Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas gift

 (EN) Gospa's annual Medjugorje message that she gives via visionary Jakov Colo, December 25, 2022.

 Translation from link in Croatian language is below.  (Our Lady, Gospa who is the Blessed Virgin Mary, also gives us an inspirational monthly message through visionary Marija every 25th of a month. A blessed gift for us all!!) Mother of God's gifts for each of us this Christmas. ❤️

(HR) Gospina poruka preko vidioca Jakova Čole 25.12.2022.

Quick English translation:
Dear children, today when the light of the birth of Jesus illuminates the world in a special way with Jesus in my arms, I ask that all your hearts become Bethlehem stables with him which my son will be born and that your lives becomes light of his birth.

Children, you live in unrest and fear, therefore little children, today on this merciful day, pray to Jesus to strengthen your faith and that he becomes the ruler of your life;
Because, my children, only with Jesus in your life will you not be looking at unrest/peacelessness, but you will rather pray for peace & live in peace. And you won't look at/with fear but rather at Jesus who frees us all from every fear. I am your Mother who is constantly watching over you and bless you with my motherly blessing.

Photo: radiopostaja mir medjugorje.

#Christmasblessing #christmas2022 #blessing #merrychristmas #quoteoftheday #medjugorje #motherofGod #inspirational #prayforpeace #worldpeace #peace


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Fourth Sunday ADVENT Gospa quote

Fourth week of Advent, Sunday, December 18, 2022. 

We light the final purple candle to mark the final week of prayer and penance as we wait for the birth of our Savior. This final candle, the “Angel's Candle,” symbolizes peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.” 
***May Jesus Christ be born in our hearts. ***

--- Gospa's inspirational words of wisdom to the visionaries in Medjugorje the 1st year she came there for us, from December 18th and to the day of her Son's birthday, December 25th. 

We can still learn from her today, in 2022. : 

 Friday, December 18, 1981 
The Blessed Virgin (Gospa) did not respond to our questions. She sang, Jesus Christ, in Your Name. 
After the first verse, she said: 
"Come on, sing more joyfully. Why are you so pensive?"

 After the prayer, she began, Queen of the Holy Rosary, and she departed. 

 Monday, December 21, 1981 
"Be on your guard, my children. Prepare yourselves for difficult days. All kinds of people will come here.

 Thursday, December 24, 1981 
"Celebrate the days which are coming. Rejoice with my Son. Love your neighbor. May harmony reign among you.

 Friday, December 25, 1981 
"Love one another, my children. You are brothers and sisters. Don't argue among yourselves.
Our Lady then blesses them and leaves.

 #Christmas2022 #Advent2022 #harmony #celebrate #loveyourneighbor #candles #savior #peaceonearth #goodwill #goodwilltowardmen #rejoice #angelscandle #fourthsunday #prayer #penance #peace

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fatima Miracle to Medjugorje

  The sixth & final apparition in Fatima, 105 years ago today, October 13, 1917, the miracle of the sun. The miraculous sign all people could see as promised by the Blessed Virgin. 

~~ SAINT JOHN PAUL II, March 25th 1984, “Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima, it’s the completion of Fatima.”

~~ Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Aug 25, 1991,

"...I call all of you, dear children, to pray, fast (and self-sacrifice) more firmly ... so that, with your help, all I desire to realize through the secrets I began in FATIMA may be fulfilled. ... I want to save all souls and present them to God."   

Gospa, Our Lady, comforts us to have faith and trust in God and herself (Blessed Virgin Mary), to leave our worries with her. Don't worry.  Lucia trusted Our Lady, even with threats to her family by unbelievers.
      On the morning of Oct. 12th, Lucia's panic-stricken  mother, insisted that Lucía go to confession, telling her it would be her one “before people kill us when the miracle doesn’t happen.” Very calmly and with great faith, Lucía replied, “If you want to go to confession, mother, I’ll go with you, but I’m not afraid. I am positive that Lady will do what she promised.”

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sept monthly message


(EN) Gospa, the Queen of Peace gave us all this monthly Medjugorje message, September 25, 2022.

(HR) Gospa, Kraljice Mira, dala nama svima ovu mjesecnu poruku, 
25. rujan 2022


“Dear children! Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God and witnesses of love without bounds. I am with you, little children, and, anew, I am calling all of you: take courage and bear witness to the good works that God is doing in and through you. Be joyful in God. Do good to your neighbor so that it will be good for you on earth and pray for peace, which is threatened because Satan wants war and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

„Draga djeco! Molite se da bi vas Duh Sveti prosvijetlio da budete radosni bogotražitelji i svjedoci ljubavi bez granica. Ja sam s vama, dječice, i iznova vas sve pozivam: ohrabrite se i svjedočite dobra djela koja Bog u vama i preko vas čini. Budite radosni u Bogu. Činite dobro bližnjemu da bi vam bilo dobro na zemlji i molite se za mir koji je ugrožen jer sotona želi rat i nemir. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

#Medjugorje #HolySpirit #PrayToGod #praywithoutceasing #children #SeekGod #takecourage #courage #bejoyful #dogood #loveyourneighbor

Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 2022 Gospa message



Our Lady's message, August 25, 2022.

“Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you  on the way of peace, so that through personal peace,  you build peace in the world. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you a strong faith and hope in a better future, which I desire to build up with you. You be courageous and do not be afraid, because God is with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.


„Draga djeco Bog mi dozvoli da sam s vama i da vas vodim putem mira, da tako preko osobnog mira gradite mir u svijetu. Ja sam s vama i zagovaram vas pred mojim Sinom Isusom da vam da jaku vjeru i nadu u bolju budućnost koju s vama želim izgraditi. Vi budite hrabri i ne bojte se jer Bog je s vama. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

#medjugorje #Godiswithyou #Godbewithyou #buildit #peace #buildpeace #makepeace #dontbeafraid #thursdaythoughts #strongfaith #betterfuture.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

 "...He has spoken divine words to you, the words of God, the words which are for all and are forever..." Knowing Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary's Son, our Lord, with gratitude & prayer

❤Hvaljen Isus i Marija! ❤Praise be Jesus and Mary!

Much helpful wisdom in this message for us all. Thank God for sending Mary to us in Medjugorje!

(ENglish) Gospa, Our Lady’s Medjugorje Message, April 2, 2019, through visionary Mirjana Soldo. (HRvatski) Gospina poruka preko vidjelice Mirjane.

(ENGLISH) "Dear children, as a mother who knows her children, I know that you are crying out for my Son. I know that you are crying out for truth, for peace, for that which is pure and not deceptive. That is why I, as a mother, through the love of God, am appealing to you and calling/inviting you so that, by prayer and a pure and open heart within yourselves, you may come to know my Son, His love, His merciful heart.
-- My Son has seen beauty in all things. He seeks the good in all souls, even that which is little and hidden, to forgive evil. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I am calling you to adore Him, to ceaselessly give Him thanks, and to be worthy. Because He has spoken divine words to you, the words of God, the words which are for all and are forever.
--"Therefore, my children, live joy, radiance, unity and mutual love. This is what you need in today's world. In this way you will be apostles of my love. In this way you will witness my Son in the right way. Thank you"

Draga djeco, kao majka koja pozna svoju djecu znam da vapite za mojim Sinom. Znam da vapite za istinom, za mirom, za onim što je čisto i nije prijetvorno. I zato vam se ja, kao Majka, po ljubavi božjoj obraćam i pozivam da moleći čistim i otvorenim srcem sami po sebi spoznate moga Sina, njegovu ljubav, njegovo milosrdno srce. -- --- Moj Sin je u svim stvarima vidio ljepotu. On traži dobro u svim dušama, čak i ono malo skriveno da bi oprostio zlo. I zato , djeco moja, apostoli moje ljubavi, pozivam vas da mu se klanjate, da mu neprestano zahvaljujete i da budete dostojni. Jer On vam je govorio božanske riječi , riječi Boga , riječi koje su za sviju i zauvijek. Zato, djeco moja, živite veselje, vedrinu, jedinstvo i uzajamnu ljubav. To je ono što vam je potrebno u današnjem svijetu, tako ćete biti apostoli moje ljubavi, tako ćete svjedočiti moga Sina na pravi način. Hvala vam!

#goodnews #Medjugorje #MirjanaSoldo #visionary #apparition #BVM #blessed #JesusChrist #apostles #thankGod #loveyourneighbor #wisdom #wordofwisdom #givethanks #praiseandworship #PraiseTheLord #unity

Saturday, June 25, 2022

41st anniversary message 6-25-22

 (EN) Gospa's monthly Medjugorje Message, June 25, 2022

41st ANNIVERSARY of Gospa's apparitions in Medjugorje, through the grace of God.

2 messages below: 1) The Monthly message for the world through visionary Marija.
                                2) Annual message through visionary Ivanka. 
                  both on June 25, 2022.

1) The Monthly message for the world through visionary Marija.
note: email address is actually
(ENGLISH) “Dear children, I rejoice with you and thank you for every sacrifice and prayer which you have offered for my intentions. Little children, do not forget that you are important in my plan of salvation of mankind. Return to God and prayer that the Holy Spirit may work in you and through you. Little children, I am with you also in these days when Satan is fighting for war and hatred. Division is strong and evil is at work in man as never before. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

*Added photos of our spiritual pilgrimage for the 41st anniversary to FB photo album:
2022 MirPeace group in Medjugorje
2022 MirPeace group in Medjugorje link

Gospina poruka, 25. lipanj 2022
„Draga djeco! Radujem se s vama i zahvaljujem vam na svakoj žrtvi i molitvi koju ste prikazali na moje nakane. Dječice, ne zaboravite da ste važni u mom planu spasenja čovječanstva. Vratite se Bogu i molitvi da bi Duh Sveti djelovao u vama i preko vas. Dječice, ja sam s vama i u ovim danima kad se sotona bori za rat i mržnju. Podjela je jaka i zlo djeluje u čovjeku kao nikada do sada. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

 2) Annual message through visionary Ivanka. 

(HR) Godišnje Gospino ukazanje Ivanki - 25. lipnja 2022.

(ENGLISH) The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2022.  At her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year.

The apparition, which lasted 5 minutes (6:34pm - 6:39pm), took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said:

Our Lady gave the following message: 
"Little children, pray, pray, pray."
Our Lady blessed us all.

English page of official Medjugorje Croatian Catholic church parish website:,12869.html

Vidjelica Ivanka Ivanković Elez imala je redovito godišnje ukazanje 25. lipnja 2022. Prigodom posljednjeg svakodnevnog ukazanja 7. svibnja 1985. Gospa je Ivanki, povjerivši joj posljednju, 10. tajnu, kazala da će tijekom cijelog svog života imati ukazanje jedanput u godini i to na obljetnicu ukazanja. Tako je bilo i ove godine.

Ukazanje, koje je trajalo 5  minuta (18:34h -18:39h), Ivanka je imala u svojoj obiteljskoj kući. Ukazanju je bila nazočna samo Ivankina obitelj. Nakon ukazanja vidjelica Ivanka je rekla:

Gospa je dala slijedeću poruku:„Dječice, molite,molite, molite!“
Gospa nas je sve blagoslovila.

#blessing #Gospa #QueenofPeace #Medjugorjemessage #visionary #apparition #IvankaElez #praypraypray #prayers

#medjugorjemessage #salvation #Gospa #QueenofPeace #mankind  #ReturnToGod #HolySpirit #pray #prayers #sacrifice

Friday, May 27, 2022

May 25 message

  may your prayer be even stronger

(EN) Gospa Our Lady's Message, May 25, 2022.

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25, svibanj, 2022.

(ENGLISH) “Dear children! I am looking at you and thanking God for each of you, because He permits me to still be with you, to encourage you to holiness. Little children, peace is disturbed and Satan wants peacelessness. That is why, may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled. Be builders of peace and carriers of joy of the Risen One in you and around you, for the good to win in every man. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. svibanj 2022.
„Draga djeco! Gledam vas i Bogu zahvaljujem za svakog od vas, jer On mi dozvoli da sam još s vama, da vas potičem na svetost. Dječice, mir je narušen i sotona želi nemir. Zato nek vaša molitva bude još jača da utihne svaki nečisti duh podjele i rata. Budite graditelji mira i nositelji radosti Uskrsloga u vama i oko vas da bi dobro pobijedilo u svakom čovjeku. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

Friday, April 22, 2022

April 2022 pilgrimage

 Mir-PEACE group is in Medjugorje!

As of this blog post, 4-22-2022, all is fine. We are blessed.

Pilgrimage group left the USA April 18th, climbed Apparition Hill., attended Holy Mass and Eucharistic adoration, ate delicious homemade food, prayed the rosary, made new friends, ... etc...

🙏We are keeping you all in our prayers.🙏

Evening 4-22-2022, there was a 5.7 magnitude earthquake 

in Bosnia Hercegovina, near Dubrovnik. 

It was felt in Medjugorje.  Everyone is safe and fine.

Mir-Peace photo album started on our FACEBOOK page.

More photos:

photo album: 2022 MirPEACE group in Medjugorje

May you open your heart to know God's love 
& the Light of the World.
God's peace be with you!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

easter uskrs


Happy Easter! Sretan Uskrs vama svima! Alleluia! Christ is risen!



A time to celebrate! Wishing you all a very happy and blessed Easter. 🙂 We're not all together with those who are closest to our hearts , so we'll celebrate wherever we are, together in the Spirit of love.
Zelimo vama svima sretnu i blagoslovljenu Uskrs! Pogotovo nasi naj blizi, pa i svima vama! Cesto mislimo na vas i mi smo svi zajedno s duhom Bozji ljubav.

May this Easter be a blessed and peaceful resurrection for each human heart! Zelimo vama svima blagoslovljen uskrs i uskrsnuće u vasim srcama!
~ Mir-Peace & Sarcevic family.

Gospa, Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, April 25, 2018, #Medjugorje:

"Dear children! Today I am calling you to live your new life with Jesus. May the Risen One give you strength to always be strong in the trials of life and to be faithful and persevering in prayer; because Jesus saved you by His wounds and by His Resurrection gave you new life. Pray, little children, and do not lose hope. May joy and peace be in your hearts and witness the joy that you are mine. I am with you and love you all with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Gospina Poruka, 25. travanj 2018.
Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam da s Isusom živite vaš novi život. Nek vam Uskrsli dadne snagu da u kušnjama života budete uvijek jaki i u molitvi odani i ustrajni jer vas je Isus svojim ranama spasio i uskrsnućem dao novi život. Molite, dječice, i ne gubite nadu. U vašim srcima nek bude radost i mir i svjedočite radost da ste moji. Ja sam s vama i sve vas ljubim mojom majčinskom ljubavlju. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

2022 MirPEACE to Medjugorje

 The April trip is almost here!

Mir-PEACE pilgrimage group is eager to travel back to this special Queen of Peace shrine & will keep you all in our prayers as our group joins local families & pilgrims from around the world at daily Holy Mass, adoration, Way of the Cross on Krizevac (Cross Mountain), and on Apparition Hill where Gospa Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary first appeared to the visionaries.
God's peace be with us all!

* * Mir-Peace * *

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
2022 Schedule

April 18-26
June 20-30
Sept 21-29

for more information, please email

Friday, March 25, 2022

humanity crossroads message

 Gospa, Our Lady's monthly message today, which is also the Solemnity of the Annunciation, and the day that Pope Francis consecrated the world, especially Ukraine and Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

Below are also the Ten Commandments (Deset Božjih zapovijedi ) from God that Our Lady refers to.

(ENGLISH) Our Lady, Gospa's message, March 25, 2022
Dear children! I am listening to your cry and prayers for peace. For years, Satan has been fighting for war. That is why God sent me among you to guide you on the way of holiness, because humanity is at a crossroad. I am calling you to return to God and to God's Commandments that it may be good for you on earth, and that you may come out of this crisis into which you have entered because you are not listening to God who loves you and desires to save you and lead you to a new life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. ožujak 2022
Draga djeco! Slušam vaš vapaj i molitve za mir. Sotona se godinama bori za rat. Zato me Bog poslao među vas da vas vodim na putu svetosti, jer čovječanstvo je na raskrižju. Pozivam vas vratite se Bogu i Božjim zapovijedima, da vam bude dobro na zemlji i da iziđete iz ove krize u koju ste ušli jer ne slušate Boga koji vas ljubi i želi vas spasiti i povesti u novi život. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

(EN) the Ten Commandments
(HR) Deset Božjih zapovijedi

I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to thyself any graven thing; nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them nor serve them.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

1. Ja sam Gospod, Bog tvoj, koji sam te izveo iz zemlje egipatske, iz kuće ropstva. Nemoj imati drugih bogova uz mene. 
2. Ne pravi sebi lika ni obličja bilo čega što je gore na nebu, ili dolje na zemlji, ili u vodama pod zemljom. Ne klanjaj im se niti im služi. Jer ja, Gospod, Bog tvoj, Bog sam ljubomoran. Kažnjavam grijeh otaca - onih koji me mrze - na djeci do trećeg i četvrtog koljena, a iskazujem milosrđe tisućama koji me ljube i vrše moje zapovjedi.
3. Ne uzimaj uzalud imena Gospoda, Boga svoga, jer Gospod ne oprašta onome koji uzalud izgovara ime njegovo.
4. Sjeti se da svetkuješ dan subotnji. Šest dana radi i obavljaj sav svoj posao. A sedmoga je dana subota, počinak posvećen Jahvi, Bogu tvojemu. Tada nikakva posla nemoj raditi: ni ti, ni sin tvoj, ni kći tvoja, ni sluga tvoj, ni sluškinja tvoja, ni živina tvoja, niti došljak koji se nađe unutar tvojih vrata. Ta i Jahve je šest dana stvarao nebo, zemlju i more i sve što je u njima, a sedmoga je dana počinuo. Stoga je Jahve blagoslovio i posvetio dan subotnji.
5. Poštuj oca svoga i majku svoju, da imadneš dug život na zemlji koju ti dâ Jahve, Bog tvoj.6. Ne ubij!7. Ne učini preljuba!8. Ne ukradi!9. Ne svjedoči lažno na bližnjega svoga!10. Ne poželi kuće bližnjega svoga! Ne poželi žene bližnjega svoga; ni sluge njegova, ni sluškinje njegove, ni vola njegova, ni magarca njegova, niti išta što je bližnjega tvoga!

#Medjugorjemessage #humanity #PopeFrancis #consecration #annunciation #commandments #tencommandments #Gospa

Friday, February 25, 2022

Pray for them

 Gospa Our Lady, Queen of Peace, gave us this Medjugorje message  through visionary Marija, F briary 25, 2022:

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. veljaca. 2022.

Dear children! I am with you and we pray together. Help me with prayer, little children, that Satan may not prevail. His power of death, hatred and fear has visited the earth. Therefore, little children, return to God and to prayer, to fasting and renunciation, for all those who are downtrodden, poor and have no voice in this world without God. Little children, if you do not return to God and His Commandments, you do not have a future. That is why He sent me to you to guide you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Draga djeco! S vama sam i molimo zajedno. Pomozite mi dječice molitvom da sotona ne prevlada. Njegova moć smrti, mržnje i straha, pohodila je Zemlju. Zato dječice vratite se Bogu i molitvi, postu i odricanju, za sve one koji su pogaženi, siromašni i nemaju glasa u ovom svijetu bez Boga. Dječice, ako se ne vratite Bogu i njegovim zapovijedima, nemate budućnosti. Zato je mene poslao vama da vas vodim. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

#returntoGod #measurements #prayers #togetherwerise #commandments #future #betterfuture

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

sacred heart love

 "...I am with you to love and protect you;...
& to bring you all closer to the heart of my Son."

Our Lady and her Son, Jesus Christ love us!

“Each of us is the result of a thought of God.
Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved.
Each of us is necessary.”
~Pope Benedict XVI
."..I bless you with my motherly blessing and intercede for each one of you before God. I call you anew to live my messages and to put them into life and practice. I am with you and bless all of you day by day. Dear children, these are special times and, therefore, I am with you to love and protect you; to protect your hearts from satan and to bring you all closer to the heart of my Son, Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call."
~Gospa, Queen of Peace (Blessed Virgin Mary) in Medjugorje,
June 25, 1993.

photograph: Sacred heart of Jesus Christ, Radiopostaja MIR Međugorje.