Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas gift

 (EN) Gospa's annual Medjugorje message that she gives via visionary Jakov Colo, December 25, 2022.

 Translation from link in Croatian language is below.  (Our Lady, Gospa who is the Blessed Virgin Mary, also gives us an inspirational monthly message through visionary Marija every 25th of a month. A blessed gift for us all!!) Mother of God's gifts for each of us this Christmas. ❤️

(HR) Gospina poruka preko vidioca Jakova Čole 25.12.2022.

Quick English translation:
Dear children, today when the light of the birth of Jesus illuminates the world in a special way with Jesus in my arms, I ask that all your hearts become Bethlehem stables with him which my son will be born and that your lives becomes light of his birth.

Children, you live in unrest and fear, therefore little children, today on this merciful day, pray to Jesus to strengthen your faith and that he becomes the ruler of your life;
Because, my children, only with Jesus in your life will you not be looking at unrest/peacelessness, but you will rather pray for peace & live in peace. And you won't look at/with fear but rather at Jesus who frees us all from every fear. I am your Mother who is constantly watching over you and bless you with my motherly blessing.

Photo: radiopostaja mir medjugorje.

#Christmasblessing #christmas2022 #blessing #merrychristmas #quoteoftheday #medjugorje #motherofGod #inspirational #prayforpeace #worldpeace #peace


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