Saturday, July 16, 2022

 "...He has spoken divine words to you, the words of God, the words which are for all and are forever..." Knowing Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary's Son, our Lord, with gratitude & prayer

❤Hvaljen Isus i Marija! ❤Praise be Jesus and Mary!

Much helpful wisdom in this message for us all. Thank God for sending Mary to us in Medjugorje!

(ENglish) Gospa, Our Lady’s Medjugorje Message, April 2, 2019, through visionary Mirjana Soldo. (HRvatski) Gospina poruka preko vidjelice Mirjane.

(ENGLISH) "Dear children, as a mother who knows her children, I know that you are crying out for my Son. I know that you are crying out for truth, for peace, for that which is pure and not deceptive. That is why I, as a mother, through the love of God, am appealing to you and calling/inviting you so that, by prayer and a pure and open heart within yourselves, you may come to know my Son, His love, His merciful heart.
-- My Son has seen beauty in all things. He seeks the good in all souls, even that which is little and hidden, to forgive evil. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, I am calling you to adore Him, to ceaselessly give Him thanks, and to be worthy. Because He has spoken divine words to you, the words of God, the words which are for all and are forever.
--"Therefore, my children, live joy, radiance, unity and mutual love. This is what you need in today's world. In this way you will be apostles of my love. In this way you will witness my Son in the right way. Thank you"

Draga djeco, kao majka koja pozna svoju djecu znam da vapite za mojim Sinom. Znam da vapite za istinom, za mirom, za onim što je čisto i nije prijetvorno. I zato vam se ja, kao Majka, po ljubavi božjoj obraćam i pozivam da moleći čistim i otvorenim srcem sami po sebi spoznate moga Sina, njegovu ljubav, njegovo milosrdno srce. -- --- Moj Sin je u svim stvarima vidio ljepotu. On traži dobro u svim dušama, čak i ono malo skriveno da bi oprostio zlo. I zato , djeco moja, apostoli moje ljubavi, pozivam vas da mu se klanjate, da mu neprestano zahvaljujete i da budete dostojni. Jer On vam je govorio božanske riječi , riječi Boga , riječi koje su za sviju i zauvijek. Zato, djeco moja, živite veselje, vedrinu, jedinstvo i uzajamnu ljubav. To je ono što vam je potrebno u današnjem svijetu, tako ćete biti apostoli moje ljubavi, tako ćete svjedočiti moga Sina na pravi način. Hvala vam!

#goodnews #Medjugorje #MirjanaSoldo #visionary #apparition #BVM #blessed #JesusChrist #apostles #thankGod #loveyourneighbor #wisdom #wordofwisdom #givethanks #praiseandworship #PraiseTheLord #unity

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