Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Evening prayer on Apparition Hill

Peace and quiet.

 Together with Our Lady Queen of Peace.  

  In prayer.  and #love.

A happy place :-)   --  Heaven on earth. 
  Where heaven touches earth.
We are together. One family.  --  In prayer.  --  God's children.  Wherever we are in the entire world.

Thank God! 

Peace be with you all! Last night on Apparition hill, Medjugorje, Gospina Grupa Mladih (Gospa's group of young people from the region) shared lovely thoughts and prayer. They continue climbing up in prayer and song in the evenings, keeping in mind covid-19 coronavirus pandemic social distancing. Many of us have been there, those who joined our pilgrimage group and pilgrims from around the world... Let's share the Light of the World, open our hearts in the peace and quiet of God's love and mercy, as we share their prayer, in gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Enjoy the twilight evening view also!

(EN) In the post, in Croatian language (hrvatski), they mention the peace and serenity is  indescribable, on that truly Springtime warm evening: "We are in the company of our Mother, the Queen of Peace and our Jesus" Christ. Somewhere in the background they hear the song, "Here I Am", playing.  :-)  "We, families from all parts (of the area) and beyond, as one, in Our Lady's embrace, we are aware of how much she loves us, ...we who opened our hearts and answered her call."

     "Thank you Gospa, for bringing us together, thank you for having us in your heart and soul, thank you for every member, thank you for every brother and for every sister, thank you for every successful project we have launched for your intentions. Thank you for standing with us and encouraging us. We know that nothing would be possible.
 without you. 
Thank you our Mother, our Hope!"

(HRVATSKI) molitva,  Gospina Grupa Mladih na Brdo Ukazanja:
(ENGLISH) link to prayer in Croatian:

#hometogether #youarenotalone

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Our Lady's Message via Marija Pavlović-Lunetti, 4-25-2020

Pray in the solitude of the Holy Spirit. Be worthy.

 In this Medjugorje message, Gospa asks us to not allow temptations to harden your heart so prayer becomes like a desert. Rather, be the reflection of the love of God and witness the Risen Jesus with your lives.
Strengthen your faith and trust in God! 

Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary:
                             “Dear children!
May this time be an incentive to personal conversion for you. Pray, little children, in the solitude of the Holy Spirit that he may strengthen you in faith and trust in God, so that you may be worthy witnesses of the love which God gifts to you through my presence. 
                   Little children,
 do not allow temptations to harden your heart and that prayer be like a desert. Be the reflection of the love of God and witness the Risen Jesus with your lives.
 I am with you and I love you all with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” 

Message of Our Lady through Marija Pavlović-Lunetti, April 25, 2020.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

BE children of God, without fear. pray OUR FATHER

  Gospa Medjugorje message: "...my Son (Jesus Christ) desires for my love, as a ray of light, to bring your souls to life; for me to help you in the search for peace and eternal happiness..."

Do not be afraid -- pray OUR FATHER -- BE children of God!

Looking back in history, from 1981 (photograph shared on facebook by M E Đ U G O R J E  MedjugorjePage in 2016), as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary's 1st Medjugorje message of 2020, then taking time to pray the OUR FATHER sincerely, to listen and truly hear God's voice in the peaceful silence of our open hearts, may we "live merciful love which is prayer and limitless sacrifice for others" to help God's Will be done, with out any fear.
Today and for a better future. for our world and for eternal life.

Our Lady, Gospa Queen of Peace has given us a tremendous amount of advice and wisdom through these decades the God has allowed her to be with us in this special way through her apparitions to the visionaries in Medjugorje, always referring us to her Son, Jesus Christ, and to put God in first place in our daily lives. She's still with us, for every soul, every single person, every creature, helping us to take that good advice which can only help us get closer to God Our Father.

(EN) Gospa's message, January 02, 2020 (HR) Gospina poruka, 2. siječanj 2020.  
 (ENGLISH) "Dear children, I know that I am present in your lives and in your hearts. I feel your love, I hear your prayers and direct them to my Son. But, my children, according to motherly love, I desire to be in the lives of all of my children. I desire to gather all of my children around me, beneath my motherly mantle. This is why I am inviting you and calling you, apostles of my love, to help me. My children, my Son pronounced the words of the 'Our Father'- Our Father, [you] who are everywhere and in our hearts - because He desires to teach you to pray with words and feelings. He desires for you to always be better, to live merciful love which is prayer and limitless sacrifice for others. My children, give to my Son love for your neighbors, give words of consolation, compassion and acts of justice to your neighbors. Everything that you give to others, apostles of my love, my Son accepts as a gift. I am also with you, because my Son desires for my love, as a ray of light, to bring your souls to life; for me to help you in the search for peace and eternal happiness. Therefore, my children, love one another, be united through my Son, be children of God who all together, with full, open and pure heart, pronounce the 'Our Father'. And do not be afraid! 
Thank you."

(HRVATSKI)  Poruka, 2. siječanj 2020.
   Draga djeco, Znam da sam prisutna u vašim životima i u vašim srcima. Osjećam vašu ljubav, čujem vaše molitve i upućujem ih mome Sinu. Ali, djeco moja, ja želim biti po majčinskoj ljubavi u životu sve moje djece. Svu moju djecu želim okupiti oko sebe, pod svoj majčinski plašt. Zato, pozivam vas, i zovem vas apostolima moje ljubavi da mi pomognete.
Djeco moja, moj Sin izgovorio je riječi „Oče naš“, Oče naš koji si posvuda i u našim srcima, jer želi vas naučiti moliti riječima i osjećajima. Želi da uvijek budete bolji, da živite milosrdnu ljubav koja je molitva i bezgranična žrtva za druge.
Djeco moja, dajte mome Sinu ljubav za bližnje, dajte riječi utjehe, suosjećanja i djela pravednosti svojim bližnjima. Sve ono što darujete drugima, apostoli moje ljubavi, moj Sin prihvaća kao dar. I ja sam s vama, jer moj Sin želi da vam moja ljubav, kao zraka svjetla, oživi duše; da vam pomogne u traženju mira i vječne sreće. Zato, djeco moja, ljubite jedni druge. Budite ujedinjeni po mome Sinu, budite djeca Božja koja sva zajedno punim, otvorenim i čistim srcem izgovaraju „Oče naš“. I ne bojte se! Hvala vam.   

 prayer: (EN) 
OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name,  thy kingdom come,  thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

(HR) Oče naš, koji jesi na nebesima, sveti se Ime Tvoje. Dođi kraljevstvo Tvoje, budi volja Tvoja, kako na Nebu, tako i na Zemlji.
Kruh naš svagdanji daj nam danas, i otpusti nam duge naše, kako i mi otpuštamo dužnicima našim. i ne uvedi nas u napast, nego izbavi nas od zla. Amen.

#ourFather #Medjugorjemessage #coronavirus #praywiththeheart #hometogether #togetherwerise #loveyourneighbor #wordsofwisdom #satchat #saturdaythoughts #goodadvice #whatliftsyou #JesusChrist #bethechange #covid_19 #bekind2020 #Medjugorje #OurLady #saturdaymorning #sundaymorning

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Happy Easter & resurrection in your heart quotes

"We all rejoice in Heaven. Rejoice with us.
~Gospa, Easter Sunday, April 22, 1984, Medjugorje.  

  Through Jesus’ example of human suffering, He brings us peace and hope, with the understanding that our own suffering leads to eternal life. This path is not an easy one, but with forgiving and trusting hearts full of love, we surrender to God’s Will and God’s Way, finding that the true joy of Heaven is already with us... that Jesus is with us and strengthens us to endure our own Way of the Cross, the path to our Heavenly home.

May  this  Easter  be  a  blessed  and  peaceful  resurrection  for each  human  heart! 
~ Mir-Peace & family.

Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, April 25, 2018, #Medjugorje:
(ENGLISH) "Dear children! Today I am calling you to live your new life with Jesus. May the Risen One give you strength to always be strong in the trials of life and to be faithful and persevering in prayer; because Jesus saved you by His wounds and by His Resurrection gave you new life. Pray, little children, and do not lose hope. May joy and peace be in your hearts and witness the joy that you are mine. I am with you and love you all with my motherly love. 
Thank you for having responded to my call."

Gospina Poruka, 25. travanj 2018.
Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam da s Isusom živite vaš novi život. Nek vam Uskrsli dadne snagu da u kušnjama života budete uvijek jaki i u molitvi odani i ustrajni jer vas je Isus svojim ranama spasio i uskrsnućem dao novi život. Molite, dječice, i ne gubite nadu. U vašim srcima nek bude radost i mir i svjedočite radost da ste moji. Ja sam s vama i sve vas ljubim mojom majčinskom ljubavlju. 
Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. 

#HappyEaster #Sretanuskrs #Easter2020 #Medjugorjemessage #quoteoftheday #inspirationalquotes #resurrection #Jesussaves #GodsWill #heavenly #hometown #eternallife #Christisrisen #havefaith #thereishope 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus Christ was crucified. He forgives. Good Friday.

Good Friday. Veliki Petak(hr) 
... the sun stopped shining... 
Jesus was crucified by the people.. 
He forgives. 
Prayers that we've learned to live in the Light of the World.
Gospa, Our Lady Medjugorje message, 1986:

(EN) I am giving you special graces and Jesus is giving you special gifts from the cross. Take them and live! Reflect on Jesus' Passion and in your life be united with Jesus!"
(HR) ...dajem vam posebne milosti, a Isus posebne darove s križa. Uzmite ih i proživljavajte! Razmišljajte Isusovu muku i u životu se sjedinite s Isusom!"

JESUS CHRIST on Good Friday, before he died on the cross:
✝️“Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. .."

✝️ “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
✝️43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

... the sun stopped shining...

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ✝️“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

✝️“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” 
When he had said this, he breathed his last.

photograph: Cross Mountain, Krizevac, in Medjugorje

Good Friday Medjugorje Gospa quote

Good Friday(en) Veliki Petak(hr) Jesus is crucified on the cross.(en) February 20, 1986. Our Lady, Mother of God said to the visionaries: 

"Dear children! The second message of these Lenten days is that you renew prayer before the cross. Dear children, I am giving you special graces and Jesus is giving you special gifts from the cross. 

Take them and live! 

Reflect on Jesus' Passion and in your life be united with Jesus! Thank you for having responded to my call."

(hr) Poruka, 20. veljača 1986.

Draga djeco! Druga poruka korizmenih dana jest da obnovite molitvu pred križem. Draga djeco, dajem vam posebne milosti, a Isus posebne darove s križa. Uzmite ih i proživljavajte! 
Razmišljajte Isusovu muku i u životu se sjedinite s Isusom! Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu!

original photograph: Adriana Vukmanic, summer 2012, with Mir-Peace pilgrimage group..

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Medjugorje visionary will return to Apparition Hill - rosary

Dear friends.We're happy to give you the news that when this coronavirus ends we'll go every 2nd of the month to pray the rosary at the blue cross with (visionary) Mirjana to Gospa (blessed Virgin Mary) to give thanks. 
God bless you! 
~ Udruga "Kraljica Mira" Bijakovici - Medjugorje ((the group, "Queen of Peace" in the town, Bijakovici, where Apparition Hill is located))

posted yesterday on their FB page

Always united in prayer! Praying together to God every day now during Lent... and we will continue at Easter and afterwards.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Croatian Palm Sunday tradition: Flowers, New Life Cvjetnica

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday 2020! 


The beginning of Holy Week.    Along with going to Holy Mass, (this year via tv, internet...due to crisis of coronavirus pandemic), and getting either palm fronds or olive branches blessed On Palm Sunday, (Cvjetnica in Croatian), Cvijetna nedjelja (hr) , many Croatian Catholics also traditionally participate in the solemn triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem 
and the beginning of Holy Week, by washing their faces with flower petal water. Usually violets or other fragrant flowers and herbs. This also symbolizes Spring and new life.

Now is the Lent of viruses and of our sacrifices, prayer & fasting to overcome our sins and to change, 

Easter is the salvation of our hearts and souls in love and light through the sacrifice accepted by Jesus Christ, and his Resurrection.

Thank God! Halleluia.

#thinkSpring #Lent2020 #customs #Croatia #PalmSunday #sundaymotivation #sundaymorning #positivevibes #feastday #Cvjetnica #satchat #coronavirus #covid19 #Christianity #flowers #Jerusalem #HolyWeek #Jesussaves #JesusChrist

Friday, April 3, 2020

Father, forgive them LENT EASTER quotes

                "...that is the salvation of the people."                              ~Gospa, Medjugorje
Forgive others - don't complain. don't judge don't be afraid - Pray!

Dec, 1981 during apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gospa, to the Medjugorje visionaries: Gospa was serious; she knelt down with arms extended while praying:

"My beloved Son, I beseech you to be willing to forgive the world its great sin through which it offends you."

The next day: While we were saying our prayers, the Blessed Virgin intervened:
"Oh, My Son Jesus, forgive these sins, there are so many of them!"
Then we were all silent.
"Continue to pray, because that is the salvation of the people."

New Testament of the Bible. (EN) Gospel according to Luke 23:34 (HR) Evanđelje po Luki 23:34(ENGLISH)
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing...”(HRVATSKI) 'Oprosti im, Oče, jer ne znaju što čine!' reče Isus...

Gospa has reminded us that even natural law can be suspended with true prayer from the heart, fasting and sacrifice... & often to trust God's Will, forgive others, live as her Son did while he was here on earth, by answering God's call in our lives, love others, have respect and mercy... forgiveness. 
Reflecting on sacrifice and forgiveness this Lent. 
This year, we can overcome this crisis coronavirus covid-19... as Fr Petar Ljubicic called it, "virus of sin"... together.

photograph: View from original Blue Cross area on Apparition Hill, 1990s, of Cross Mountain, Krizevac, with cross built in the 1930s for Jesus Christ, by faithful Croatian Catholic church parish families in #Medjugorje
photo: Christina Verdgeline.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

there's HOPE in today's silence Lent2020 Easter

Now is our Lent of prayer, fasting and sacrifice.
Tomorrow will be our Easter of resurrection, salvation   in our hearts ❤️ .
There is hope in the silence (tišina) 
"MEDJUGORJE Today... And Tomorrow".

 #Medjugorje is quiet now. No pilgrims traveling there from around the world. Every country, each nation is battling a pandemic.
video: "Medjugorje Today and Tomorrow"

Many people have more time to pray 🙏... and can also pray for those who do NOT have time for more than helping others, sacrificing for those sick with coronavirus... choosing to do the right thing, just as Jesus Christ did. This Lenten season let's remember that tomorrow is another day. LOVE will overcome.

Thank God for sending us His Son, #Jesus. Thank you, Lord, our Father, for allowing Gospa, Our Lady Queen of Peace, for being with us since 1981 in this special way. She reminds us to pray to God and open ourselves to peace in our hearts, then our families, then we can share peace in the entire world.
May you hear His voice in the silence. Peace be with you, everyone. Have faith for a better tomorrow.

Now is our Lent of prayer, fasting and sacrifice.
Tomorrow will be our Easter of resurrection, salvation in our hearts ❤️ .
May God's Will be done.