Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Evening prayer on Apparition Hill

Peace and quiet.

 Together with Our Lady Queen of Peace.  

  In prayer.  and #love.

A happy place :-)   --  Heaven on earth. 
  Where heaven touches earth.
We are together. One family.  --  In prayer.  --  God's children.  Wherever we are in the entire world.

Thank God! 

Peace be with you all! Last night on Apparition hill, Medjugorje, Gospina Grupa Mladih (Gospa's group of young people from the region) shared lovely thoughts and prayer. They continue climbing up in prayer and song in the evenings, keeping in mind covid-19 coronavirus pandemic social distancing. Many of us have been there, those who joined our pilgrimage group and pilgrims from around the world... Let's share the Light of the World, open our hearts in the peace and quiet of God's love and mercy, as we share their prayer, in gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Enjoy the twilight evening view also!

(EN) In the post, in Croatian language (hrvatski), they mention the peace and serenity is  indescribable, on that truly Springtime warm evening: "We are in the company of our Mother, the Queen of Peace and our Jesus" Christ. Somewhere in the background they hear the song, "Here I Am", playing.  :-)  "We, families from all parts (of the area) and beyond, as one, in Our Lady's embrace, we are aware of how much she loves us, ...we who opened our hearts and answered her call."

     "Thank you Gospa, for bringing us together, thank you for having us in your heart and soul, thank you for every member, thank you for every brother and for every sister, thank you for every successful project we have launched for your intentions. Thank you for standing with us and encouraging us. We know that nothing would be possible.
 without you. 
Thank you our Mother, our Hope!"

(HRVATSKI) molitva,  Gospina Grupa Mladih na Brdo Ukazanja:
(ENGLISH) link to prayer in Croatian:

#hometogether #youarenotalone

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