Saturday, April 11, 2020

Happy Easter & resurrection in your heart quotes

"We all rejoice in Heaven. Rejoice with us.
~Gospa, Easter Sunday, April 22, 1984, Medjugorje.  

  Through Jesus’ example of human suffering, He brings us peace and hope, with the understanding that our own suffering leads to eternal life. This path is not an easy one, but with forgiving and trusting hearts full of love, we surrender to God’s Will and God’s Way, finding that the true joy of Heaven is already with us... that Jesus is with us and strengthens us to endure our own Way of the Cross, the path to our Heavenly home.

May  this  Easter  be  a  blessed  and  peaceful  resurrection  for each  human  heart! 
~ Mir-Peace & family.

Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, April 25, 2018, #Medjugorje:
(ENGLISH) "Dear children! Today I am calling you to live your new life with Jesus. May the Risen One give you strength to always be strong in the trials of life and to be faithful and persevering in prayer; because Jesus saved you by His wounds and by His Resurrection gave you new life. Pray, little children, and do not lose hope. May joy and peace be in your hearts and witness the joy that you are mine. I am with you and love you all with my motherly love. 
Thank you for having responded to my call."

Gospina Poruka, 25. travanj 2018.
Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam da s Isusom živite vaš novi život. Nek vam Uskrsli dadne snagu da u kušnjama života budete uvijek jaki i u molitvi odani i ustrajni jer vas je Isus svojim ranama spasio i uskrsnućem dao novi život. Molite, dječice, i ne gubite nadu. U vašim srcima nek bude radost i mir i svjedočite radost da ste moji. Ja sam s vama i sve vas ljubim mojom majčinskom ljubavlju. 
Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. 

#HappyEaster #Sretanuskrs #Easter2020 #Medjugorjemessage #quoteoftheday #inspirationalquotes #resurrection #Jesussaves #GodsWill #heavenly #hometown #eternallife #Christisrisen #havefaith #thereishope 

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