Sunday, March 1, 2020

Lent: WAY OF THE CROSS, Medjugorje

                   MARY'S WAY OF THE CROSS   is what                     Mir-Peace pilgrimage group prays and meditates on as we climb Cross Mountain(Krizevac) together in Medjugorje, every time we travel there...  

    2nd station: JESUS TAKES HIS CROSS by choice.                      For eternal life. For all our souls. 

This Lent we choose to take up our crosses as He did, with sacrifices and with love. The physical world is temporary -- we can be in heaven with God forever. Thank you, Jesus Christ and Gospa, Blessed Virgin Mary, for showing us how, and sharing that trust, light, loving kindness and mercy every day!

                                  SECOND STATION
“We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by
your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”
                          JESUS TAKES HIS CROSS
               from Blessed Virgin Mary's perspective: 
Regaining a little strength, I walked with the crowds to the entrance of the square.
A door flew open and my son stumbled out, the guards laughing behind him.
Two men dragged over a heavy wooden cross and dropped it on his shoulders.
Then they shoved him down the road.
My pain for him was unbearable.
I wanted to take the cross from him and carry it myself.
But I knew this had to be so I walked on silently.
Lord Jesus, I beg you to forgive me
for the many times I have added more weight to your cross,
by closing my eyes to the pain and loneliness of my neighbor.
Forgive me for gossiping about others and for always trying to find excuses to avoid certain people who wish to talk with me.
Help me to be like Mary, always seeking to lighten the crosses of others. 
Forgive me, Jesus.

Ash Wednesday reminds us of the eternal love and joy we can have through Jesus' sacrifice of dying on the Cross for all human beings, and through his resurrection on Easter. 
-- During Lent, we meditate and reflect on what Jesus Christ and His Mother, Mary, endured for our souls. We may feel a little of what the Blessed Virgin Mary witnessed as her Son, Jesus Christ, was suffering for us on the way of Calvary, and as He was crucified & died on the cross. Imagine a mother's love... and the crosses and sacrifices in our own lives... Super role model.
--- MARY'S WAY OF THE CROSS is what Mir-Peace pilgrimage group prays and meditates on as we climb Cross Mountain(Krizevac) together in #Medjugorje, every time we travel to Bosnia Hercegovina, Europe from the United States of America. Thinking all the way back to that first Easter, centuries ago... 

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