Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Medjugorje: message & visionary Mirjana no more 2nd of month apparitions

"... Simply live His words and do not be afraid. Pray and love sincerely, with good works; and help the world to change... there is no love without salvation... " 

~Gospa, 3-18-2020

 Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo will no longer have  apparitions every 2nd of the month

"This day, March 18, 2020, was a great turning point for all of Medjugorje, for the world and for the many believers who make pilgrimage every second of the month to the base of Apparition Hill, to a place known as the Blue Cross.We have learned that Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo will no longer have public apparitions nor will she receive the messages ((on the 2nd of each month)) that Our Lady has given from August 2, 1987 up until today. 

Mirjana had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 to December 25, 1982. That Christmas Our Lady announced to Mirjana that she would no longer have regular (daily) meetings with Our Lady, but left her a gift: that she could see her for her birthday as long as she was alive. So today, on her birthday, around 1:30pm in her family home, surrounded by her family members, Mirjana learned from Our Lady that there will no more apparitions in the second of the month, and relayed the following message:.. 

Gospa Our Lady, who is Blessed Virgin Mary, 3-18-2020:
Dear children,
My Son, as God, always looked outside of time. I, as His mother, through Him, see within time. I see beautiful things and sad things. But I see that there is still love, and that it needs to be recognized.

My children, you cannot be happy if you do not love each other, if you do not have love in every situation and at every moment of your life.
And I, as Mother, am coming to you through love—to help you to come to know true love, to come to know my Son.

This is why I am calling you to always, in a renewed way, thirst even more for love, faith, and hope. The only spring from which you can drink is Trust in God, my Son.

My children, in times of unrest and sacrifice you need only to seek the face of my Son (Jesus Christ). Simply live His words and do not be afraid. Pray and love sincerely, with good works; and help the world to change, so that my heart may triumph.

Like my Son, I am also saying to you: love one another because without love there is no salvation.
Thank you my children.

(translated from original Croatian)

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