Sunday, March 22, 2020

work on salvation to meet with God - 10 secrets

Fr. Petar Ljubicic: I suspect that every day we are getting closer to the revelation of the secrets of Medjugorje!

“The fact is that today everything is in crisis. There is a lot happening. There is too much trouble of every kind.

The message of every secret could be: These are serious times. Work on your salvation. Be prepared in every moment to meet with the personal and living God.”

— I know that the first three secrets are related to Medjugorje — says Fr. Petar. — The first two secrets will be precaution and a great warning, they will confirm to the world that Our Lady appeared in Medjugorje and that the visionaries have been speaking the truth. The third secret is about the appearance of an indestructible sign which will cause many souls to convert, and the other secrets will most likely be shattering events that will shake the world and be an invitation for many to convert and fear nothing.

He who feels Our Lady as his mother and God as his father is not afraid of anything.

THREE OF THE SECRETS OF MEDJUGORJE RELATE TO THE FUTURE OF MANKIND AND ARE QUITE DIFFICULT “What I started in Fatima, I will finish in Medjugorje” is a summary of Our Lady's message of August 25, 1991, which was conveyed to the public by the visionary Marija Pavlović. It was a great surprise to the followers of the Medjugorje events when they heard it. Our Lady had connected the Medjugorje and the Fatima apparitions for the first time of the ten years (of her apparitions). With seriousness, She invited people to prayer and fasting to help overcome Satan, who “seeks to disrupt her plans of peace and joy.” Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, one of the visionaries to whom the Mother of God has entrusted ten secrets, confirmed to us the connection between Fatima and Medjugorje. What did the Mother of God begin in Fatima, Portugal back in 1917, singling out the poor and illiterate children, Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto and her brother Francisco? The key lies in the three Fatima secrets written down by Sister Lucia, the longest living visionary from Portugal.
THE FATIMA SECRETS: The first two Fatima secrets predicted the end of the First and the beginning of the Second World War, and the rise and fall of Soviet communism. The text of the third secret, which for decades tickled the imagination of the people, was published by the Vatican in June 2001. For years, the third secret was thought to contain an apocalyptic vision of the end of the world, but on 43 pages of an accompanying document called “Vision from Fatima,” the Vatican reiterated its view that the secret refers to events that had already occurred. Apparently, it envisioned the assassination of the pope, the communist persecution of Christians. However, after the terrorist attack on America on September 11, 2001, some of the world press zealously defended the belief that the third Fatima secret describes events that are yet to happen. That coincides with interpretations about a punishment that will hit the world if it does not repent.
Where in all this is the connection with Medjugorje? It is interesting that the apparitions of Medjugorje begin to take place several years before the fall of communism and the demolition of the Iron Curtain. Our Lady significantly calls for peace, conversion, penance, and warns the world that it is in great trouble and extends her hand to help them. If eminent disasters cannot be avoided, it seeks to teach people to at least try to mitigate them. She has also included the six visionaries of Medjugorje in her grand plan for saving humanity, by assigning each of them with a specific task, and by entrusting them with a number of secrets. For those to whom She no longer appears daily, She has entrusted all ten secrets, and to the others, nine secrets. Obtained with a vow of silence, the visionaries do not speak about their content, so we do not know much about them, but the minimal details that have been allowed available to the public are very interesting.
THE SECRETS OF MEDJUGORJE: The key to Medjugorje's events is contained in ten secrets relating to the future of humanity, the Church, Medjugorje and the visionaries themselves. All of them will happen on a specific day and time and cannot be undone. Only through prayer and fasting can they be lessened.
The first and second secret will actually be forewarnings, special signs around the world that will announce events which will dramatically affect world history. One such sign was mentioned in another Fatima secret, with which the Second World War was announced. It was an unusual light that appeared on the night from the 25th to 26th of January 1938. The time between the first and second secrets will be short, and then the next secret will occur.
The third secret is entrusted to all the visionaries and is especially interesting. It is about a sign that Our Lady has promised to leave on Apparition Hill (formerly called Crnica, also called Podbrdo) above Medjugorje. It will be a great, indestructible, tangible sign and it will be clear that human hands could not have made it. After it appears, it is claimed, no one will doubt the authenticity of Our Lady's apparitions on Earth anymore. The appearance of the great sign on Apparition Hill will be accompanied by many healings and miraculous signs that will warn and inspire the world to convert. If we compare Medjugorje with the experience of the supernatural events in Lourdes, everything suggests that, as at least one of the elements of a great sign, a source of living, healing water could spring up. Mirjana says: “When the sign appear, many people will convert. To all who are open to the Spirit of God, it will be clear that God is truly here and that He dwells among us.” Our Lady recommends that people convert before this sign appears, “because when the promised sign occurs, many will run up and pray for the grace of forgiveness, but there will be no mercy for them.”
The fourth, fifth and sixth secrets concern the personal lives of the visionaries and the wider area of Medjugorje. The seventh, ninth and tenth secrets relate to the future of mankind. According to the visionaries, the ninth and tenth secrets are quite difficult. They are the inevitable punishment for the sins of the world. Upon hearing their contents, some visionaries were so frightened that they burst into tears. The seventh secret is tied to an interesting fact. Previously, it was understood that the occurrence of this secret was removed thanks to the full response of the locals and pilgrims to what Our Lady recommended and requested, but according to Mirjana's explanation, only part of the secret was removed, and will not happen, but the rest of the secret cannot be undone.
When might the secrets of Medjugorje come true? Of course, there is no answer yet to this question, but on the basis of some knowledge one can guess, at least. It is very important that the visionary Mirjana, according to Our Lady’s instructions, personally chose the priest to whom, when the time comes, she will entrust the secrets. He will then announce them to the world. This priest is Fr. Petar Ljubičić, born in 1946, who has been following the events in Medjugorje since their beginning. If, therefore, Fr. Petar is now 74 years old, and he is to experience the time to reveal the secrets, it is logical to assume that this act could be witnessed by many of us and that the time of their fulfilment is approaching.
This is what Fr. Petar himself says about it: “When it will be, we do not know. We have the sense that we are getting closer to it every day. The fact is, everything is in crisis today. There is a lot happening. There is too much discontent and trouble of every kind. The message of every secret could be: These times are serious. Work on your salvation. Be prepared in every moment to meet with the personal and living God.  

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