Sunday, March 22, 2020

are you preparing your soul during this crisis?

...but what about your soul, how are you preparing it?"Sometimes gifts don't look like blessings to us, but they can be. It is so with this unwanted, unexpected and intimidating guest... maybe it's a curse, maybe a blessing."

"The world has grown silent for a moment, the industrial giant is quiet, all people are equal again, both great and small, trembling with the same fear before the unknown.

They say that you can finally see the sky over Italy, and the Italians are socializing, meeting and loving their neighbors, balcony walls and glass windows are no longer obstacles .. There will not be silence in the halls and elevators anymore. The entire Christian world is praying together for the same thing. Families are finally coming to know one another, to become familiar, to socialize and pray out loud, and suddenly there is plenty of time. The virus even slows down time.
Where were you hurrying to, poor little person? Don’t you see how small and helpless you are compared to something far smaller than yourself? - What are you doing with yourself while your days have been counted just as the hairs on your head have?

Stop, and listen to the silence, return to your roots and pray to God. You are so desperately afraid for your bodies but what about your soul, how are you preparing it?

Some gifts don't look like blessings to us, yet they are... Just open your eyes to see how a tiny unknown particle changes your world, and Someone high up above is seeing everything and, what do you think, is He smiling?? šŸ˜‰

Greetings to all and, with heads raised, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Greeting you and united with you in prayer

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragičević shared this through UdrugaKraljicaMira fb. Let's take the advice and prayers by Gospa the Blessed Virgin Mary to hearts as he has since gospa's (Our Lady's) apparitions started there in 1981... and learn to get truly closer to God through her son, Jesus Christ. As Fr Petar Ljubicic said days ago, this corona virus is a virus of sin... our sins. It's a chance to focus on heaven and eternal spiritual life rather than the temporary physical earthly. We always wanted more time to reflect and meditate on the New Testament during Lent, let's do it now. Let us rise together with love. Stop, look, listen to God's voice inside your heart. May God's Plan be realized. We can help by being united in prayer.
photo is Ivan a few years ago.

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