Monday, June 29, 2020

read the New Testament Scriptures - Gospa: PRAY

"Pray as much as you can; pray however you can, 

but pray more always. ...

...I know that many do not understand 

because they think only of living for their work.

~ Gospa, Our Lady, 1984, Medjugorje.  

Why does the Blessed Virgin Mary keep repeating herself? "PRAY, pray, pray!" She often asks us to fast, pray the rosary. to read the Bible. to think of Jesus Christ's love and sacrifice, how He lived his life on earth in the New Testament, the Gospel... ever since she started appearing to the visionaries in 1981... in #Medjugorje.

(EN) “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

~ New Testament, 2 Timothy 3:16  
(HR) Druga poslanica Timoteju 3:16 
16 Jer cijelo je Sveto pismo od Boga nadahnuto i korisno za poučavanje, za popravljanje i odgajanje u pravednosti.

  Here are a few of Gospa's quotes during her apparitions:  
(EN) Gospa's Medjugorje message, April 25, 2013 (HR) Gospina poruka, 25. travanj 2013.
(ENGLISH) "Dear children! Pray, pray, keep praying until your heart opens in faith as a flower opens to the warm rays of the sun. This is a time of grace which God gives you through my presence but you are far from my heart, therefore, I call you to personal conversion and to family prayer. May Sacred Scripture always be an incentive for you. I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."
 “Draga djeco! Molite, molite, samo molite dok se vaše srce otvori u vjeru kao cvijet koji se otvara toplim zrakama sunca. Ovo je vrijeme milosti koje vam Bog daje po mojoj prisutnosti a vi ste daleko od mog srca, zato vas pozivam na osobno obraćenje i obiteljsku molitvu. Neka vam Sveto pismo uvijek bude poticaj. Sve vas blagoslivljem mojim majčinskim blagoslovom. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. ”

"Faith will not know how to be alive without prayer. Pray more." 1981
"Pray as much as you can; pray however you can, but pray more always. ...I know that many do not understand because they think only of living for their work." 1984
"Dear children! Today I call you to pray in a special way that you offer up sacrifices & good deeds for peace in the world. " "Let prayer be life for you."
"God is great, and His love for every creature is great. Therefore, pray to be able to understand the love and goodness of God." 1990's

Original Bible photograph: medjugorje-info. 

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