Saturday, March 27, 2021

Palm Sunday message

Medjugorje message 

on Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion. 

(EN) Gospa's Message, March 25, 2018

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. ožujak 2018
Hvaljen Isus i Marija! Praised be Jesus & Mary!

Also, Prayer program schedule in Medjugorje during HOLY WEEK and on EASTER

(ENGLISH) Dear children! I am calling you to be with me in prayer in this time of grace when darkness is fighting against the light. Pray, little children, confess and begin a new life in grace. Decide for God and He will lead you towards holiness; and the cross will be a sign of victory and hope for you. Be proud that you are baptized and grateful in your heart that you are a part of God’s plan. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

(HRVATSKI - Croatian language)
„Draga djeco! Pozivam vas da budete sa mnom u molitvi u ovom milosnom vremenu kad se bori tama protiv svjetla. Molite, dječice, ispovjedajte se i počnite novi život u milosti. Odlučite se za Boga i On će vas voditi prema svetosti i križ će vam biti znak pobjede i nade. Budite ponosni da ste kršteni i zahvalni u svome srcu da ste dio Božjeg plana. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

(EN) On Medjugorje parish website in Croatian only is the PRAYER PROGRAM in Medjugorje during HOLY WEEK and on EASTER. ((For available English info & links: ))

(HR) Molitveni program u Međugorju kroz Veliki tjedan i na Uskrs',12149.html

(ENGLISH) Next Sunday (April 4) is Easter . Holy Mass in the parish church at 8, 11 and 6 p.m.

April 1st is Holy Thursday - the Day of the Establishment of the Eucharist and the Priestly Order. In the morning there is no Mass or confession, and Holy Mass will be celebrated in the church of St. James at 6 p.m. After the Mass there will be adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.

Good Friday is April 2nd. ...The Way of the Cross on (Cross Mountain) Križevac is at 11 am. The Rosary is at 5 p.m., and the rites of the Passion of the Lord and the kissing of the cross at 6 p.m. Good Friday is a day of strict fasting and abstinence.

April 3rd is Holy Saturday...The Rosary on Holy Saturday begins at 6 p.m., and the Easter Vigil is at 7 p.m.

The opportunity for holy confession for parishioners is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before the morning Holy Mass, and the priests will confess these three days in the afternoon from 4:30 pm onwards. On Holy Days, priests confess from 4 to 5:45 p.m. On major days, all priests participate in the evening prayer program, so when the Holy Mass or rites begin, there is no more confession, so the Parish Office of Medjugorje asks the faithful to confess, if possible, before the Easter Triduum.

#victory #VictoryInJesus #VictoryStartsHere #thecross #Medjugorje #Medjugorjemessage #Catholic #Lent #Lent2021 #quote #quoteoftheday #spiritual #inspirational #bealight #Easter #Godsplan #Godsplanchallenge #PalmSunday #ibelieve #hopeful #trust #trusttheprocess #lightvsdarkness #bealight #triduum #GoodFriday #HolyThursday #passion #passionweek #wordspwfwisdom #satchat #sundaymotivation 

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