Thursday, March 18, 2021

Medjugorje anniversary 40th and 5th

 A throwback memory to the early years of Our Lady Gospa's apparitions to the visionaries in Medjugorje: 

our pilgrimage group on Apparition Hill where a wooden cross was erected for the 5 year anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary being with us in this special way, helping us to get closer to God and to feel His peace and love of heaven in our hearts, thanks to God, since 1981. 

This year, 2021, is the FORTY YEAR anniversary! The photograph is from October, 1987. You also see Cross Mountain (Krizevac, in Croatian).

During that month, Our Lady Queen of Peace gave this Medjugorje message:

(ENGLISH) October 25, 1987 "My dear children! Today I want to call all of you to decide for Paradise. The way is difficult for those who have not decided for God. Dear children, decide and believe that God is offering Himself to you in His fullness. You are invited and you need to answer the call of the Father, who is calling you through me. Pray, because in prayer each one of you will be able to achieve complete love. I am blessing you and I desire to help you so that each one of you might be under my motherly mantle. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. listopad 1987.
Draga djeco! Danas vas sve želim pozvati da se svaki od vas odluči za raj. Put je težak za one koji se nisu odlučili za Boga. Draga djeco, odlučite se i vjerujte da vam se Bog u svojoj punini nudi. Vi ste pozvani i vi trebate odgovoriti za zov Oca koji vas preko mene zove. Molite, jer u molitvi će svaki od vas moći postići potpunu ljubav. Ja vas blagoslivljem i želim vam pomoći da svaki od vas bude pod mojim majčinskim plaštom. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu!

That's true love! Thank you! gratitude!

#itsalifestyle #thursdaymood #memory #memoriesforlife #blessed #happyanniversary #happyplace #happydance #ThrowbackThursday #TGIF #tgifriday #ThankGod #heavenonearth
#heaven #paradise #GodsGift #gifts #ibelieve #TotallyAwesome #truelovechallenge #truelove #grateful #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #anniversary #Medjugorje #medjugorjemessage #totallove #love #throwbackthursday #tbt #satchat 

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