Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Jesus is coming - bio - Medjugorje nativity -alpha omega

 Jesus Christ loves us so much so that he laid down his own life to give it to each of us.

The Son of God is a great physician (cv/biography is below),  a friend, who will always be present in our lives, and help us even better of we choose to focus on & pray to Him and His Father, our Lord God Almighty...

& listen to them in our hearts... 💖

if we open our hearts in love and prepare for His coming this Advent, 2020, remembering His coming to us by His birth in Bethlehem this Christmas 2020.

~~ Our Lady Gospa's Medugorje message quotes: 
"...Open yourselves to the Father... you will be happy. Your search will end. You will love, & not be afraid. Your life will be HOPE and TRUTH, which is my Son. thank you...Do not judge, because you will all be judged." "I, as a mother, desire to save you from restlessness, despair, and eternal exile... My Son, by His death on the Cross, showed how much He loves you..."

** Jesus Christ brief biography **
Graduate: Son of God
Master (degree): King of kings
Doctorate: King of the universe
His Medical Assistant: The Holy Spirit
His experience: Solving impossible things
Service availability: 24 hours
His Specialty: Doing miracles
His Tool: Faith
His gift: Grace
His book: the Bible
Diseases that He heals: All of them
The Price of therapy: Your trust and faith in Him
Diagnosis: Absolute and specific
Consultation: Counsels with the heart
☑️ in chemistry: turning water into wine (JN 2,1-11)
☑️ in biology: He was born (through the power of the Holy Spirit) (MT 1,18)
☑️ in physics: goes beyond the law of gravity; walks on water, and rises up to the sky (MK 6,49)
☑️ in economy: does what's mathematically impossible - He fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish (MT 14,17-20)
☑️ in medicine: He healed the sick and blind, without having to prescribe any medicine (MT 9,19-22 and IV 9,1-15)
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End! (Revelation 22:13)
In The Bible it says that no one comes to the Father except through him; He is the only Way (JN 14,6)
So: who is he?
He is Jesus Christ. He is the cure and the physician!
The greatest man in history.
He is God and man!
▪️ He had no servants, yet they called Him the Lord.
▪️ He didn't have any educational qualification, but He was called the Teacher.
▪️ He didn't graduate in medicine, but they called Him a doctor.
▪️ He didn't have an army, but every king in front of him was shaken and stopped.
▪️ He didn't lead any military battles, but He conquered the world.
▪️ He didn't commit any crimes, but He was crucified.
▪️ He was buried, but on the third day He rose again.

Thank you, Lord! Praised be Jesus!

Live nativity in front of St James Croatian Catholic Church in Medjugorje couple years ago; Jesus on earth, teaching and healing as written in the New Testament Gospel, the cross on top of Krizevac, Cross Mountain, #Medjugorje.

#quotestoliveby #biography #JesusChrist #CAtholicChurch #NewTestament #qualifications #love #Jesussaves #Advent2020 #Christmas2020 #havefaith #hope #trust #Godlovesyou #openyourheart #openup #inspirational #livenativity #nativity #donotjudge #dontjudge #dontworry #mother #motherslove #alpha #omega #beginningandend #alphaandomega

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