Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Advent heart full of HOPE Faith Joy Peace LOVE Light

hope for the future, a better future: hearts full of love. brothers & sisters all together.    💗  ******

we will rise towards heavenly joy this Christmas season, with the Blessed Mother's guidance. 

NOW is the time to fill your heart with  


2 inspirational and spiritual Medjugorje messages by her, Our Lady, Gospa, Queen of Peace. 

Have a blessed day, everyone with hearts full of HOPE FAITH JOY and PEACE as we prepare during Advent for Christ's birth!
****** Jesus Christ, who is love, Light of the World.******

1st Message:
(EN) Gospa, February 25, 1989
"Dear children! Today I invite you to prayer of the heart. Throughout this season of grace I wish each of you to be united with Jesus, but without unceasing prayer you cannot experience the beauty and greatness of the grace which God is offering you. Therefore, little children, at all times fill your heart with even the smallest prayers. I am with you and unceasingly keep watch over every heart which is given to me. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. veljača 1989.
Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam na molitvu srca. Kroz ovo vrijeme milosti želim da se svatko od vas sjedini s Isusom. A bez neprestane molitve ne možete osjetiti ljepotu i veličinu milosti koju vam Bog nudi. Zato, dječice, u sve vrijeme ispunite svoje srce i najmanjim molitvicama. Ja sam s vama, i neprestano bdijem nad svakim srcem koje se meni daje. Hvala što ste se odazvali mom pozivu!

2nd message:
(EN) Gospa, January 25, 1995
"Dear children! I invite you to open the door of your heart to Jesus as the flower opens itself to the sun. Jesus desires to fill your hearts with peace and joy. You cannot, little children, realize peace if you are not at peace with Jesus. Therefore, I invite you to confession so Jesus may be your truth and peace. So, little children, pray to have the strength to realize what I am telling you. I am with your and I love you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 1995.
Draga djeco! Pozivam vas da otvorite vrata svoga srca Isusu kao što se cvijet otvara suncu. Isus želi ispuniti vaša srca mirom i radošću. Ne možete, dječice, ostvariti mir, ako niste u miru s Isusom. Zato vas pozivam na ispovijed da Isus bude vaša istina i mir. Dječice, molite da imate snage ostvariti što vam govorim. Ja sam s vama i volim vas. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu!

NOW is the time to fill your heart with  HOPE #FAITH #JOY and #PEACE  and LOVE. May Jesus be born in your heart like in the nativity.

Together we can overcome the coronavirus & covid pandemic & virus of sin. Let's do the right thing and save each other... with God's help. God bless you!

#fillyourheart #filledwithjoy #brotherandsister #brothers #sisters #brotherlylove #inspirationalquotes #spirituality #itsawonderfullife #itsafeeling #Medjugorje #pandemic #medjugorjemessages #JesusChrist #Avdent2020 #Christmas2020 #MirPeace #OurLady #BlessedMother #blessings #youcandoit #youarenothalone #inthistogether #saveourchildren #savethechildren #savealife #quotesaboutlife #quotestoliveby #haveaheart #heart #nativity

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