Friday, March 2, 2018

BE A LIGHT during Lent

You can BE A LIGHT 
& help others see the Light of the World. 
(ENGLISH) 2-2-2010 - Our Lady's message through visionary Mirjana
(HRVATSKI) 2. veljača 2010. - Gospina poruka preko vidjelice Mirjane

Our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group motto: "Be a Light!" We've been blessed to share the experience,love and prayers of this heaven on earth with many good people, our brothers and sisters from the United states of America and from around the world. Thank God!
Mir Peace FB post Lent BE A LIGHT
(EN) "Dear children, with motherly love today I call you today to be a lighthouse to all souls who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God's love so that you may shine all the brighter and draw all the more souls. Do not permit the untruths which come out of your mouth to silence your conscience. Be perfect. I am leading you with my motherly hand, a hand of love. Thank you."
(HR) Draga djeco, majčinskom ljubavlju danas vas pozivam da budete svjetionik svim dušama koje lutaju u tami nepoznavanja ljubavi Božje. Da bi ste što jače svetlili i što više duša privukli ne dozvolite da neistine koja izlaze iz vaših usta ušutkaju vašu savjest. Budite savršeni! Ja vas vodim majčinskom rukom, rukom ljubavi. Hvala vam.

Remembering an inspirational Medjugorje message during 1 apparition on the Blessed Virgin Mary's. This Lenten season in preparation for the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ at Easter, we can BE A LIGHT & help others see the Light of the World in Jesus Christ! #truth #Jesussaves Jesus saves.

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