Sunday, February 25, 2018

(ENGLISH) Our Lady's Medjugorje message through visionary Marija for the parish and the whole world, 2-25-2018(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) Gospina poruka preko Marije Pavlović-Lunetti, za župu i za cijeli svijet, 25.2.2018. 

(EN) “Dear children! In this time of grace I am calling all of you to open yourselves and to live the commandments which God has given you, that they may lead you through the Sacraments on the way ofconversion. The world and worldly temptations are testing you, but you, little children, look at God’s creatures which He has given to you in beauty and humility and, little children, love God above everything and He will lead you on the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

(HR) "Draga djeco! U ovom milosnom vremenu sve vas pozivam da se otvorite i živite zapovijedi koje vam je Bog dao, da vas one vode po sakramentima na putu obraćenja. Svijet i svijetske napasti vas kušaju, a vi, dječice, gledajte Božja stvorenja koje vam je On dao u ljepoti i poniznosti i ljubite Boga, dječice, iznad svega i On će vas voditi na putu spasenje. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

early photo: Marija is on the right. photo closeup: medjugorje council of ireland

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