Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018 It is Medjugorje visionary Dragicevic-Soldo's 53rd birthday. Today is very special to her: she receives her annual apparition of Our Lady. ((entire message below)) 
(HR) 18. ožujak 2018. - Godišnje ukazanje Mirjani Dragićević-Soldo na njezim rodendan. sretan rođendan, Mirjana Soldo !  

Our Lady doesnt appear to her today because it is her birthday, but Mirjana says that when Our Lady's secrets which are entrusted to her begin to unfold, will we understand why Our Lady chose March 18th. On the last daily apparition, December 25, 1982, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and then told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March.

MESSAGE (ENGLISH) Dear children, my earthly life was simple. I loved and rejoiced (found joy) in little things. I loved life,- a gift from God, - even though pain and suffering were piercing my heart. My children, I had the strength of faith and infinite trust in God's love.
All those who have the strength of faith are stronger. Faith makes you live for the good, and then the Light of God's love always comes at the desired moment. This is the strength that sustains in pain and suffering.
My children, pray for the strength of faith; trust in your heavenly Father, and do not be afraid. Know that not a single creature who belongs to God will be lost, but will live forever. Every pain has its end, and then life in freedom begins there where all my children come - where everything is returned . My children, your battle is difficult. It will become more difficult. But, you follow my example.
Pray for the strength of faith; and trust in the love of The Heavenly Father. I am with you. I am manifesting myself in you. With my infinite motherly love I am caressing your souls. Thank you.

poruka (HRVATSKI)
“Draga djeco! Moj zemaljski život je bio jednostavan. Voljela sam i radovala se malim stvarima. Voljela sam život, dar od Boga, iako su boli i patnje probijale moje srce. Djeco moja, imala sam snagu vjere i bezgranično povjerenje u Božju ljubav. Svi oni koji imaju snagu vjere su jači. Vjera čini da živiš po dobru i onda svjetlo Božje ljubavi dolazi uvijek u željenom trenutku. To je snaga koja podržava u boli i patnji. Djeco moja, molite za snagu vjere i pouzdajte se u Nebeskog Oca i ne bojte se. Znajte da nijedno Božje stvorenje neće biti izgubljeno nego da će živjeti zauvijek. Svaka bol ima svoj kraj i onda počinje život u slobodi tamo gdje sva moja djeca dolaze, gdje se sve vraća. Djeco moja, vaša borba je teška. Bit će još teža, ali vi slijedite moj primjer. Molite za snagu vjere, pouzdajte se u ljubav Nebeskog Oca. Ja sam s vama, ja vam se očitujem, ja vas hrabrim. S neizmjernom majčinskom ljubavi milujem vaše duše.Hvala vam.

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