Saturday, March 18, 2023

Mirjana annual message

 (EN) Gospa's annual apparition of our Lady to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on March 18, 2023. Such a blessing that the Blessed Mother is still in Medjugorje to help us grow deeper in faith and turn to her Son, Jesus Christ to truly get to know him and see the Light!

(HR) Gospina godišnja poruka preko vidjelice Mirjane, 18.3.2023.

(ENGLISH) The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March. It has been this way through the years. The apparition lasted from 13:33 to 13:39.

''Dear children,
I am calling you, through prayer and mercy, to come to know my Son all the better; to learn to listen with a pure and open heart; to listen to what my Son is saying to you in order to come to see spiritually. That, as one people of God in communion with my Son, you may bear witness to the truth with your life. Pray, my children, that, together with my Son, you can bring only peace, joy and love to all your brothers and sisters. I am with you and am blessing you with a motherly blessing.''

Official Medjugorje parish website in English language:
Draga djeco, pozivam vas da kroz molitvu i milosrđe što bolje upoznate moga Sina. Da čista i otvorena srca naučite slušati. Da slušate što vam moj Sin govori da biste duhovno progledali. Da kao jedan Božji narod, u zajedništvu s mojim Sinom, svojim životom svjedočite istinu. Molite, djeco moja, da zajedno s mojim Sinom svoj svojoj braći i sestrama možete donositi samo mir, radost i ljubav. Ja sam s vama i blagoslivljam vas majčinskim blagoslovom.

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