Saturday, February 18, 2023

1988 trip memories

 From Blessed Virgin Mary's (Gospa's) quote below: 

"...children, pray that God come to your aid...

 according to His love..." 

Let Him heal you.  

One of MirPeace pilgrimage groups traveled to Medjugorje in June, 1988. 
(5 photos added to FaceBook 1980s PHOTO ALBUM) 

--The 7th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions-- 
This year, 2023, we'll be celebrating the 42nd anniversary! 
pilgrimage trip info 2023:
Cross Mountain from Apparition Hill

So much has changed there... more buildings in the valley, progress, ... even so God's peace is still felt there and hundreds of thousands of pilgrims around the world have had more chances to learn to love and heal by praying & allowing God's love to grow within us.

Valley view of steeples pf St James Croatian Catholic church.
 In Closeup you see the church.

(ENGLISH) Gospa Our Lady Queen of Peace gave this message for us, June 25, 1988:
 "Dear children! I am calling you to that love which is loyal and pleasing to God. Little children, love bears everything bitter and difficult for the sake of Jesus who is love. Therefore, dear children, pray that God come to your aid, not however according to your desire, but according to His love. 
Surrender yourself to God so that He may heal you, console you and forgive everything inside you which is a hindrance on the way of love. In this way God can move your life, and you will grow in love. Dear children, glorify God with a hymn of love so that God's love may be able to grow in you day by day to its fullness. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. lipanj 1988. - Poruka za 7. obljetnicu:
“Draga djeco! Danas vas pozivam na ljubav, koja je Bogu odana i ugodna. Dječice, ljubav sve prihvaća, sve što je tvrdo i gorko, radi Isusa koji je ljubav. Zato, draga djeco, molite Boga da vam dođe u pomoć, ali ne po vašim željama, nego po svojoj ljubavi. 
metal cross that was at sight of 1st apparitions when we were there then.

Bogu se predajte, da vas on može liječiti, tješiti i praštati vam sve ono što je u vama zapreka na putu ljubavi. Bog može oblikovati vašživot i vi ćete rasti u ljubavi. Slavite Boga, dječice, hvalospjevom ljubavi, da bi ljubav Božja mogla rasti iz dana u dan do svoje punine. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu! ”

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