Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas greeting

 "...enrich all those whom you meet, so that they may feel the grace which you are receiving..." 

Hvala Bogu! Thanks be to God!

Merry & Blessed Christmas! Sretan i Blagoslovljen Božić!

(EN) Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Gospa's monthly Medjugorje message for us all through visionary Marija, December  25, 2021. 
(HRGospina poruka, 25. prosinac 2021.
“Dear children! Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, for Him to give you His peace. Little children, without peace you do not have a future or blessing; therefore return to prayer, because the fruit of prayer is joy and faith, without which you cannot live. Today's blessing which we give you, carry to your families and enrich all those whom you meet, so that they may feel the grace which you are receiving. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

„Draga djeco! Danas vam nosim svog Sina Isusa da vam da svoj mir. Dječice, bez mira nemate budućnosti ni blagoslova, zato vratite se molitvi jer plod molitve su radost i vjera, bez koje ne možete živjeti. Današnji blagoslov koji vam dajemo, nosite u svoje obitelji i obogatite sve one s kojima se susrećete, da osjete milost koju vi primate. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

2 photos: faithful gathered in front of St James Croatian Catholic church, by Mario Ostojic; and the nativity scene (creche), inside the church by Radiopostaja MIR Medugorje. Peace be with you all over the world!!!

#medjugorjemessage #JesusChrist #prayer #goodfruits #fruits #blessings #grace #Gospa #OurLady #Queenofpeace #peacebewithyou

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Christmas peace and joy

 God's peace be with you! Peace on earth, good will towards all!

🙏🎄🌠 This Advent and Christmas season, it's wonderful to reflect on peace and joy in our hearts as Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje has been tirelessly teaching us, her children, through prayer, fasting, to get closer to God through her Son, Jesus Christ. No matter who, where, or what we are...We are all family! *** 💝 ***
a quote from Medjugorje message on Christmas, 2007, is below. 
Sarcevic family wishes you all a 


Blagoslovljen i Sretan Božić! 

(Helen Sarcevic, Mir-Peace pilgrimage founder; daughters Christina Verdgeline, Miriam Vukmanic & family, Darlene Milas guide and translator & family).

Mir-PEACE pilgrimage groups have been traveling to Croatian Catholic church parish of #Medjugorje since the mid 1980s #blessed... people of other religions have felt peace there also.
... and we're planning to continue in 2022! God-willing.

Trip travel info email:

***💝*** Message. Gospa, Our Lady Queen of Peace:
"Dear children!

Today in a special way I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus' birth. Little children, through all this time that God permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you to the joy of your life. Little children, the only true joy of your life is God. Therefore, dear children, do not seek joy in things of this earth but open your hearts and accept God. Little children, everything passes; only God remains in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."

A message from Our Lady to Jakov Colo to whom she appears once-yearly on Christmas. December 25, 2007. The apparition began at 2:29pm and lasted six minutes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Glorify Jesus for Christmas

 "Dear children! 
For Christmas my invitation is that together we glorify Jesus. I present Him to you in a special way on that day and my invitation to you is that on that day we glorify Jesus and His nativity... on that day pray still more and think more about Jesus..." 
~Gospa, 12-12-1985, Medjugorje

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

~Gospel according to Luke, 2:19

#Christmasiscoming #Christmaslights #glory #glorifyHim #nativity #Alleluia #MotherOfGod #thinkaboutit #invitation

Sunday, November 28, 2021

advent hope faith joy peace

 (hr) Došašće ili advent – vrijeme duhovne pripreme za Božić. (en) Advent - time for spiritual preparation for Christmas.

First Sunday of Advent, HOPE!1st of the 4 weeks we joyfully and with prayer prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ's birth at Christmas... And opening our hearts in trust for God's truth and love for the coming of the Light of the world.  May we share that light and love with all our brothers and sisters, help them get to know Gospa's son, Jesus, in their hearts May the Holy Spirit help us all use wisdom to do God's will together. Peace be with you today everyone!

~~~ Our Lady, Gospa's Medjugorje message, Advent, 1983, thru visionary: 
"Begin by calling on the Holy Spirit each day. The most important thing is to pray to the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit descends on earth, then everything becomes clear, and everything is transformed." ~Gospa.
Bless the ADVENT WREATH "Traditionally, Advent wreaths are constructed of a circle of evergreen branches into which four candles are inserted, representing the 4 weeks of Advent. Ideally, three candles are purple and one is rose, but white candles can also be used.
The purple candles in particular symbolize the prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices and goods works undertaken at this time. The rose candle is lit on the third Sunday, Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete Sunday is the Sunday of rejoicing, because the faithful have arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when their preparation is now half over and they are close to Christmas.
The progressive lighting of the candles symbolizes the expectation and hope surrounding our Lord’s first coming into the world and the anticipation of his second coming to judge the living and the dead."

#Medjugorje #Advent2021 #holidayseason #reasonfortheseason  #VirginMary #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #tradition #firstsunday

Thursday, November 25, 2021


 Gospa, Queen of Peace, is with us in Medjugorje (where heaven touches the earth) "because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to be peacemakers." 

Let's decide to be prayer and love. 
(EN) Gospa's monthly Medjugorje Message, November 25, 2021 - for everyone.

(HR) Gospina Međugorska mjesečna poruka, 25. studeni 2021.

“Dear children! I am with you in this time of mercy and I am calling all of you to be carriers of peace and love in this world where, through me, little children, God is calling you to be prayer and love, and an expression of Heaven here on earth. May your hearts be filled with joy and faith in God; that, little children, you may have complete trust in His holy will. That is why I am with you, because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Today in America it's THANKSGIVING. We can give thanks for all God's gifts every day, including these inspirational messages from Our Lady Queen of Peace (the Blessed Virgin Mary). 
Also for the gift of constant presence of the Holy Spirit, always available to help us whenever we ask for & are open to the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. (Seven gifts of the #HolySpirit).

Gospina Međugorska mjesečna poruka, 25. studeni 2021.
„Draga djeco! S vama sam u ovom milosrdnom vremenu i pozivam vas sve da budete nositelji mira i ljubavi u ovom svijetu, gdje vas, dječice, Bog preko mene poziva da budete molitva i ljubav i izraz raja ovdje na zemlji. Neka vaša srca budu ispunjena radošću i vjerom u Boga da imate, dječice, potpuno povjerenje u njegovu svetu volju. Zato sam s vama, jer me On, Svevišnji, šalje među vas da vas potaknem na nadu i vi ćete biti mirotvorci u ovom nemirnom svijetu. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

#heavenonearth #Medjugorje #medjugorjemessage #thanksgiving2021 #peaceandlove #peaceonearth #inspirationalquote #HappyThanksgiving #HolySpirit #sevengifts #GiftsOfTheHolySpirit #gifts

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

fearless with prayer

 To her Son, Jesus, when he was young, Gospa (Our Lady who is the Blessed Virgin Mary) may have given similar encouragement as in the messages that she gives us in Medjugorje. 

Jesus Christ listened, he prayed, he did not fear, he had hope and trust in God the Almighty Father. 

Hvaljen Isus i Marija! -- Praise be Jesus and Mary!

 (EN) Gospa's Medjugorje Message, March 25, 2021
(HR)  Gospina poruka, 25. ožujak 2021.

(ENGLISH)  Dear Children! Also today I am with you to tell you: Little children, who prays does not fear the future and does not lose hope. You are chosen to carry joy and peace, because you are mine. I have come here with the name 'Queen of Peace' because the devil wants peacelessness and war, he wants to fill your heart with fear of the future - but the future is God's. That is why, be humble and pray, and surrender everything into the hands of the Most High Who created you. Thank you for having responded to my call.

(HRVATSKI)  Gospina poruka, 25. ožujak 2021.
Draga djeco! I danas sam s vama da vam kažem: dječice, tko moli, ne boji se budućnosti i ne gubi nadu. Vi ste izabrani da nosite radost i mir, jer ste moji. Ja sam ovdje došla s imenom Kraljica mira, jer đavao želi nemir i rat, želi ispuniti vaše srce strahom u budućnost, a budućnost je Božja. Zato budite ponizni i molite i prepustite sve u ruke Svevišnjega koji vas je stvorio. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

2 of the photos: Radiopostaja MIR Međugorje.

#Medjugorje #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #dontloosehope #hope #Prayer #fearless #motherslove #motherhood #inspirationalquotes #inspirational

Saturday, October 30, 2021

all saints all souls

 Prayer and grace are necessary for every soul to be able to reach God and the love of God. Let's pray daily for souls in Purgatory.

November 1st is All Saints' Day (Svi Sveti in croatian), Nov 2nd is All Souls' Day (Dušni dan). The eve of All Saints' DAy is All Hallows Eve, Oct 31st. Remembering our loved ones, and praying for all souls.

Traditionally, in Medjugorje, as in many areas in Bosnia Hercegovina, Croatia, and other European countries, families go to the cemeteries and remember their loved ones, light candles, bring beautiful bouquets of flowers and pray for all souls who have passed on, no longer with us as they were here on earth... Holy Mass is also celebrated there.
photo: top: cemetery, Radiopostaja Mir Medjugorje, 2018. bottom: Mir-Peace pilgrimage group lighting candles by St James Croatian Catholic church, #Medjugorje.
(ENG) Medjugorje message given to us, November 6, 1986,
(HRV) Medjugorska poruka, 6. studeni 1986.
(ENGLISH) Gospa said:
"Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in Purgatory. For every soul prayer and grace are necessary to reach God and the love of God. By doing this, dear children, you obtain new intercessors who will help you in life to realize that all the earthly things are not important for you, that only Heaven is that for which it is necessary to strive. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing that you may be able to help yourselves and the others to whom your prayers will bring joy. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) “Draga djeco! Danas vas želim pozvati da iz dana u dan molite za duše u čistilištu. Svakoj duši je potrebna molitva i milost da dođe do Boga i Božje ljubavi. A time i vi, draga djeco, dobivate nove zagovornike koji će vam pomoći u životu da spoznate da sve zemaljske stvari nisu za vas važne, da je samo Nebo ono za čime trebate da težite. Zato, draga djeco, molite bez prestanka da biste sebi mogli pomoći, a i drugima kojima će molitve donijeti radost. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu! ”
Chris Sarcevic Verdgeline

Monday, October 25, 2021

Christmas gifts

 Lest we forget the true meaning of Christmas time, the reason for the season. 
"...I am carrying to you my Son Jesus who is the King of Peace..."

Gospa, the Queen of Peace and Mother of God in Medjugorje, January 2, 2019:

Dear children! Sadly, among you, my children, there is so much battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness. My children, so easily you forget my Son, His words, His love. Faith is being extinguished in many souls, and hearts are being grasped by material things of the world.
But my motherly heart knows that there are still those who believe and love,..

Enjoy & pray with the video link below: ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament. 

Also below the link is a CHRISTMAS quote: (EN)  Gospa's message for us, December 25, 2018. --- (HR)  Gospina poruka, 25. prosinac 2018.

 The greatest gift we can receive is the new life in our hearts, enlightened with the gift that God gave us of His son, Jesus Christ. This Christmas 2021, let's share the gifts of love, hope, faith, and new beginnings.
Joy to the World! --- Peace be with you all!
--- Kyrie eleison ("Lord have mercy")!

Video is of spiritual Adoration in St James Croatian Catholic Church in Medjugorje, December 31, 2018, New Years Eve. There is prayer, meditation, song, and a few times a few sentences of heartfelt inspirational thanks and praise, first in Croatian language, then English then other languages. At the end: Benedictus sit Deus .... (Blessed be God the Father...)

This Autumn, with the approach of winter and Advent, we pray that we each can prepare for the coming of the Lord, the Light of the World. The 12 twelve days of Christmas start with Christmas Day to the day before Epiphany (5 January).

(ENGLISH) Gospa, December 25, 2018:
 "Dear children! I am carrying to you my Son Jesus who is the King of Peace. He gives you peace and may it not be only for you but, little children, carry it to others in joy and humility. I am with you and am praying for you in this time of grace which God desires to give you. My presence is a sign of love here while I am with you to protect you and lead you towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. prosinac 2018.
“Draga djeco! Nosim vam mog sina Isusa koji je Kralj mira. On vam daje mir i neka ne bude samo za vas nego, dječice, nosite ga drugima u radosti i poniznosti. Ja sam s vama i molim se za vas u ovom milosnom vremenu koje vam Bog želi dati. Moja prisutnost je znak ljubavi ovdje dok sam s vama da vas štitim i vodim prema vječnosti. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. ”

#reasonfortheseason #Christmasgiftideas #newyearseve #adoration #blessedSacrament #Christmas #tistheseason #kyrie #newlife

Monday, October 18, 2021

ROSES gifts of love

 "apostles of my love, pray for those who do not know how to love, for those who do not love you, for those who have done evil to you, for those who have not come to know the love of my Son." 


Let's give Our Lady the roses of our heartfelt prayers.

(EN) Gospa's message, December 02, 2017, Medjugorje.
(HR) Gospina poruka, 2. prosinac 2017.
 "... always strive to be better. If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves. If you think that you are good, you are not humble, and arrogance distances you from holiness. In this peaceless world full of threats, your hands, apostles of my love, should be extended in prayer and mercy. 
And to me, my children, give the gift of the ROSARY, the roses which I love so much. My roses are your prayers pronounced with the heart and not only recited with the lips. My roses are your acts of prayer, faith and love. 
When my Son was little, he said to me that my children would be numerous and that they would bring me many roses. I did not comprehend Him. Now I know that you are those children who are bringing me roses when, above all, you love my Son, when you pray with the heart, when you help the poorest. Those are my roses
That is the faith which makes everything in life be done through love, not knowing arrogance, and always ready to forgive; never judging, always striving to understand one's brother. 
Therefore, apostles of my love, pray for those who do not know how to love, for those who do not love you, for those who have done evil to you, for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. My children, I ask this of you because, remember, to pray means to love and to forgive. Thank you."

"...  nastojte uvijek biti bolji. Ako nastojite biti dobri možete biti sveti, mada i ne mislite tako o sebi. Ako mislite da ste dobri, niste ponizni i oholost vas udaljava od svetosti. U ovom nemirnom svijetu punom prijetnji vaše bi ruke, apostoli moje ljubavi, trebale biti ispružene u molitvi i milosrđu. A meni, djeco moja, poklanjajte ružarij, ruže koje toliko volim. Moje ruže su vaše molitve izrečene srcem, a ne samo izrecitirane usnicama. Moje ruže su vaša djela molitve, vjere i ljubavi. Dok je bio mali, moj Sin mi je govorio da će brojna biti moja djeca i da će mi mnogo ruža donositi. Nisam ga shvaćala. Sada znam da ste vi ta djeca, koja mi donosite ruže kada iznad svega ljubite moga Sina, kada molite srcem, kada pomažete najsiromašnijima. To su moje ruže. To je vjera koja čini da se sve u životu čini po ljubavi, da se ne zna za oholost i da je se uvijek spremno oprostiti, nikada ne suditi, uvijek pokušati razumjeti svoga brata. Zato, apostoli moje ljubavi, molite za one koji ne znaju ljubiti, one koji ne ljube vas, one koji su vam učinili zlo, one koji nisu upoznali ljubav moga Sina. Djeco moja, to od vas tražim jer zapamtite, moliti znači ljubiti i praštati. Hvala vam.

#gifts #praytherosaryeveryday #lovechallenge #love #roses

Saturday, September 25, 2021

heaven and joy

(ENGLISH) Our Lady's Medjugorje Message, September 25, 2021 

 “Dear children! Pray, witness and rejoice with me because the Most High continues to send me to lead you on the way of holiness. Be aware, little children, that life is short and eternity is waiting for you to give glory to God with your being, with all the saints. 

Little children, do not worry about earthly things, but long for Heaven. 
Heaven will be your goal and joy will begin to reign in your heart. 

I am with you and bless all of you with my motherly blessing. 
Thank you for having responded to my call.” 

 (HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 25. rujan 2021 

 „Draga djeco! Molite, svjedočite i radujte se sa mnom, jer Svevišnji me i dalje šalje da vas vodim na putu svetosti. Budite svjesni, dječice, da je život kratak i da vas vječnost čeka da sa svim svetima slavite Boga svojim bićem. Ne brinite se, dječice, za zemaljske stvari nego žudite za nebom. Nebo će vam biti cilj i radost će zavladati u vašem srcu. S vama sam i sve vas blagoslivljam svojim majčinskim blagoslovom.  Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

“#lifeisshort #lifeisajourney #GloryToGod #Medjugorjemessage #ourlady #heaven #heavensent