Friday, September 25, 2020

Heaven fills ur heart with joy - Glory to God


  Heaven will fill your heart with joy  

(EN) Gospa's Medjugorje message for the world, September 25, 2020, through visionary Marija.

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. rujan 2020 preko vidjelice Marije.

  (ENGLISH) “Dear children! 

I am with you for so long because  God  is great in His love and in my presence. I am calling  you,  little children: return to God and to prayer. May the measure of  your [way of] living be love and  do not  forget, little  children,  that prayer and fasting  work miracles in you and around you. May everything  you do be for the  glory  of God, and then Heaven  will  fill your heart with  joy and  you  will  feel that God loves you  and is sending me to save you and the earth  on which you  live. Thank you for having responded to my call.”  

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. rujan 2020 preko vidjelice Marije.

(HRVATSKI) „Draga djeco! 

S vama sam ovoliko dugo jer Bog je velik u svojoj ljubavi i u mojoj prisutnosti. Pozivam vas, dječice, vratite se Bogu i molitvi. Mjera vašeg življenja neka bude ljubav i ne zaboravite, dječice, da molitva i post čine čudesa u vama i oko vas. Sve što činite neka bude na slavu Božju, a onda će Nebo ispuniti radošću vaše srce i vi ćete osjetiti da vas Bog ljubi i mene šalje da spasi vas i Zemlju na kojoj živite. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

Remember, miracles can happen. Anything is possible with God.

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