Sunday, September 20, 2020

Gospa Medjugorje, Bible, & Pope good advice

today, 9/20/20, during these scary times of worldwide pandemic coronavirus and our responses to or for each other, 

don't worry. 

***  We can have peace. *** 

1) Moses' advice in Exodus 20:20 in the Bible, 

 2) Gospa's encouragement in Medjugorje... 

 3) a quote from Pope Francis. 

Let's approach others, all God's children, with love, forgiveness, mercy, respect.

 (EN) #Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."  (HR) Ne bojte se, reče Mojsije narodu. "Bog je došao da vas samo iskuša; da strah pred njim ostane s vama te da ne griješite."   

 photograph: Mir-Peace pilgrimage group, as every year, was on Apparition Hill in 2017, praying the rosary near where Gospa the Queen of Peace came in apparitions to the visionaries starting in 1981.

(ENGLISH) #Medjugorje message by #Gospa Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Medjugorje, August 22, 1985 
"... God wants to send you trials which you can overcome by prayer. God is testing you.through daily chores/burdens. Now pray to peacefully withstand every trial. From everything through which God tests you come out more open to God and approach Him with love." 

(HRVATSKI) Gospina poruka, 22. kolovoz 1985. 
"... Bog vam želi poslati kušnje koje molitvom možete pobijediti. Bog vas kuša kroz svakodnevne radove. Sada molite da nadi|ete mirno svaku kušnju. Iz svega kroz što vas Bog kuša izlazite otvoreniji Bogu i pristupajte Bogu s ljubavlju. " 

According to #Pope Francis, “The fear of the Lord, the gift of the Holy Spirit, doesn’t mean being afraid of God, since we know that God is our Father that always loves and forgives us,...[It] is no servile fear, but rather a joyful awareness of God’s grandeur and a grateful realization that only in Him do our hearts find true peace.” 

 #peaceofmind #dontworry #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #behappy #gratitude #medjugorjemessage #apparitionhill #apparition #sundayvibes #forgive #forgivethem #forgiveness #peace #peaceandlove #love #blessed #mondaymotivation #tuesdaythoughts #wednesdaywisdom #quotestoliveby #dothework #Bible #peace #peaceful

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