Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Medjugorje message to Ivan Dragicevic for the whole world 5-4-2020

love! Do not look for mistakes in others and do not judge others. 

Carry the light.   

be a light

(EN) Gospa, Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, gave this Medjugorje message to Ivan Dragicevic for the whole world on May 4,2020.   
(HR) Gospina poruka Ivanu Dragičeviću od 4. svibnja za cijeli svijet

Dear children,
This is the time of thankfulness. Today, I ask you for love. Do not look for mistakes in others and do not judge others.
I ask that you love; that you convey the truth, for the truth is eternal, unchangeable and always relevant!
Carry the light of my Son and shatter the darkness which increasingly wants to engulf you and lead you far from my Son.
Don't have any fear, I am with you.
Thank you, dear children for having responded to my call. 

(HRVATSKI Croatian language)
Draga djeco,
Ovo je vrijeme zahvalnosti,danas od vas trazim ljubav,ne tražite pogreske u drugima i ne sudite druge.
Tražim da vi ljubite,da prenosite istinu,jer istina je vječna ,nepromjenjiva i uvjek aktualna!
Nosite svijetlo moga Sina i razbijajte tamu koja vas sve vise zeli zahvatiti i odvesti daleko od moga Sina.
Nemojte imati straha ja sam s vama.
Hvala vam draga dijeco sto ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

Let's shine with love and truth and carry it with the Light of the World! :-) Shine on! #gratitude 

#IvanDragicevic #visionary visionary #Medjugorjemessage #shineon #shinethelight #love #truthmatters #truthistruth #dontjudge #dontbeafraid #lightthenight Jesus Christ #JesusChrist

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