Monday, May 25, 2020

(EN) Medjugorje Message of Gospa, Our Lady, through visionary Marija , May 25, 2020

(HR) Gospina Medjugorska poruka, 25. svibanj 2020, preko vidjelice Marije.

May we all stop and listen to the words of our Blessed Mother, and then take them to heart, open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and then be prayer, be joy and carriers of light.

Dear children! Pray with me for a new life for all of you. In your hearts, little children, you know what needs to be changed. Return to God and to His commandments, so that the Holy Spirit may change your lives and the face of this earth, which is in need of renewal in the Spirit. Little children, be prayer for all those who do not pray, be joy for all those who do not see the way out, be carriers of light in the darkness of this peaceless time. Pray and seek the help and protection of the saints, so that you too may yearn for heaven and heavenly realities. I am with you and I am protecting you and blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”  


„Draga djeco! Molite sa mnom za novi život svih vas. U svojim srcima, dječice, znate što treba mijenjati: vratite se Bogu i Njegovim zapovijedima, da bi Duh Sveti promijenio vaše živote i lice ove zemlje, koja je potrebna obnove u Duhu. Dječice, budite molitva za sve one koji ne mole, budite radost za sve one koji ne vide izlaza, budite nosioci svjetla u tami ovoga nemirnog vremena. Molite i tražite pomoć i zaštitu svetih, da biste i vi mogli žuditi za nebom i nebeskim stvarnostima. Ja sam s vama i sve vas štitim i blagoslivljam svojim majčinskim blagoslovom. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

#Medjugorje #Medjugorjemessage #HolySpirit #BEALIGHT #heavenly #joy #happiness #behappy #saints #BlessedMother #Gospa #youcan #youcandoit #mondaymotivation #tuesdaythoughts #wednesdaywisdom #peace #blessed #helpothers #inthistogether

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