Monday, December 25, 2023

Medjugorje Christmas 2023


This Christmas, Our Lady came solemnly dressed 
with little Jesus in her arms.
Jesus extended His hand in a sign of blessing.

(EN) Gospa's Medjugorje message for all of us, 

 December 25, 2023.
(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. prosinac 2023

“Dear children! I am carrying my Son Jesus to you to fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace. Little children, seek Jesus in the silence of your heart that He be born anew. The world needs Jesus, therefore seek Him through prayer, because He gives Himself daily to each of you.'' 
Today Our Lady came solemnly dressed with little Jesus in her arms. Jesus extended His hand in a sign of blessing as Our Lady prayed over us in Aramaic (the language she spoke on earth).


Gospina poruka, 25. prosinac 2023, za svi nas.

„Draga djeco! Nosim vam mog sina Isusa da vaša srca ispuni mirom jer on je mir. Dječice, tražite Isusa u tišini vašeg srca da se rodi iznova. Svijet je potreban Isusa zato, dječice, tražite ga preko molitve jer on se daje svakodnevno svakome od vas.“

Danas je Gospa došla u svečanoj odjeći i s malim Isusom u naručju, i Isus je ispružio ruku u znak blagoslova, a Gospa je molila nad nama na aramejskom jeziku.

photo: radiopostaja mir medjugorje, 2023.

#Christmas2023 #goodnews #realnews #quoteoftheday #MerryChristmas #JesusChrist #BlessedMother #Gospa #blessing #peace #prayforpeace #worldpeace

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