Saturday, August 28, 2021

be love and joy 8-25-2021

 Be a reflection of love for those who need it most.

(EN) Our Lady, Gospa's message, August 25, 2021
(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. kolovoz 2021

(ENGLISH). “Dear children! With joy I am calling all of you, little children, who have responded to my call: be joy and peace. Witness with your lives Heaven, which I am bringing to you. It is time, little children, that you be a reflection of my love for all those who do not love and whose hearts hatred has conquered. Do not forget: I am with you and intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus, that He may give you His peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Gospina poruka, 25. kolovoz 2021„Draga djeco! S radošću vas sve pozivam, dječice, koji ste se odazvali mome pozivu, budite radost i mir. Svjedočite svojim životima nebo koje vam nosim. Vrijeme je, dječice, da budete odsjaj moje ljubavi za sve one koji ne ljube i čija srca je osvojila mržnja. Ne zaboravite: ja sam s vama i zagovaram za sve vas pred mojim sinom Isusom da vam dadne svoj mir. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.

Mir-Peace pilgrimage group, one of our trips on Apparition Hill in 2016.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Visionary Ivan pray for priests youth peace

 Through our prayers for peace & keeping God's commandments we can renew this suffering world.

Ivan Dragicevic - Medjugorje Visionary Interview, 1991. Translating to English for him is Helen Sarcevic (our Mom :-) ), who answered Gospa's call & started Mir-Peace pilgrimages in the 1980s to help Americans to authentically experience God's graces and the true faith of the visionaries and Croatian families there.

"...Our Lady has been giving messages to him that have remained consistent and are as relevant today as they were in 1991. Our Lady has asked him to pray for young people and for priests.
In this interview he talks about the importance of praying as a family, especially the family rosary. Our Lady wants a restoration of family life with love and harmony between parents and children. We have to have peace first in our hearts, and peace in our families, and then it will spill over into society."
      link:    Medjugorje visionary Ivan interview

When asked if Our Lady has a message for the United States of America, Ivan responds that her messages to the world are for everyone, because she loves ALL her children, every single one of them, because she is the mother of all of us.

Gospa, the Queen of Peace, always invites us to pray for peace... First the peace must reign in our hearts, individually. Then also the harmony of peace in the family.

In 1981, the Blessed Mother began appearing to six young people, (“visionaries”) and giving messages to the world through them, in a small Croatian Catholic church parish in Bosnia Hercegovina named #Medjugorje. She told the visionaries, "I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God”.
  #familytime #familyprayer #Medjugorje #prayforpeace #priests #Dragicevic #visionary

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Pope message to Medjugorje Youth Festival

 "Pope Francis sends a message to young people gathered at Mladifest, the annual international prayer meeting being held from 1-6 August in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. 

Entrusting them to the example of Mary, the Pope invites them to believe in the fullness and true happiness giving oneself to God brings..."

There's more at this link by vatican news:

Good news! real news! Faith in action. 
photo by Radiopostaja MIR Medugorje fb.

#PopeFrancis #goodnews #Mladifest2021 #youthfestival #vaticannews #prayer