Saturday, May 22, 2021

being an Apostle of Love

 As apostles of love we can answer Gospa's call with love and sacrifice for all our brothers and sisters. (EN) Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary Medjugorje message, August 02, 2017

(HR) Blažena Djevica Marija, Gospina poruka, 2. kolovoz 2017.


"Dear children, according to the will of the Heavenly Father, as the mother of Him who loves you, I am here with you to help you to come to know Him and to follow Him. My Son (Jesus Christ) has left you His foot-prints to make it easier for you to follow Him. Do not be afraid. 

Do not be uncertain, I am with you. Do not permit yourselves to be discouraged because much prayer and sacrifice are necessary for those who do not pray, do not love and do not know my Son. You help by seeing your brothers in them. Apostles of my love,... pray by doing, pray by giving, pray with love, pray in work and thoughts, in the name of my Son. All the more love that you give, so much more of it you will also receive. Love which emanates from love illuminates the world..."

❇(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) 
“Draga djeco, Voljom Nebeskog Oca, kao majka onoga koji vas ljubi, tu sam s vama da vam pomognem upoznati ga i slijediti ga. Moj Sin vam je ostavio otiske svojih stopala da bi vam bilo lakše slijediti ga. Ne bojte se. Ne budite nesigurni, ja sam s vama. Ne dajte se obeshrabriti jer potrebno je mnogo molitve i žrtve za one koji ne mole, ne ljube, ne poznaju moga Sina. Pomozite, gledajući u njima svoju braću. Apostoli moje ljubavi, ... molite djelujući, molite darujući, molite ljubavlju, molite radom i mislima u ime moga Sina. Što god više ljubavi budete davali, više ćete je i primiti. Ljubav proizišla iz ljubavi rasvjetljuje svijet..."

APPARITION HILL in Medjugorje a couple years ago. 

#apostles #apostlesoflove #tbt #OurLady #dontbeafraid #quoteoftheday #followJesus  #keepthefaith #dotherightthing

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