Saturday, October 17, 2020

How to open heaven's door thru Gospa's Son

  There's still time! 

"...knowledge of the love of my Son can save you.

Then we can open "the door to heaven".

  Medjugorje... what a view! ...always in our hearts....where heaven touches the earth. 
A happy place in our hearts 💖💖 where  some of us  have been blessed to go, to "come home" to God with the guidance of Our Lady, Gospa... we've gone back home to our countries, including the United States of America; we feel & hope to share that love, peace, joy, thankfulness, trust... with everyone, wherever we are. Save each other for eternal life.
May God bless you!  Mir! Peace!  

                             Vista from Apparition Hill.

(ENGLISH)"Dear children, I am continuously among you because, with my endless love I desire to show you the door of Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is opened: through goodness, mercy, love and peace, through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time on vanities. Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you."

~Gospa, Blessed Virgin Mary Medjugorje message through visionary in 2012.
(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) “Draga djeco; Neprestano sam meÄ‘u vama jer vam svojom beskrajnom ljubavlju želim pokazati vrata raja. Želim vam reći kako se otvaraju: po dobroti, milosrÄ‘u, ljubavi i miru – po mome Sinu. 
#satchat #motivation #ApparitionHill #heaven #blessed 

original photo a few years ago, by unidentified photographer, probably a Medjugorje parishioner. #Gospa #wordsofwisdom #Medjugorje #heavenly #openthedoor #Godbless #GodblessAmerica #USA #Bosnia #Hercegovina #sharingiscaring #thanksgiving #mirpeace #worldpeace #peace #joy #happiness #happyplace #Medjugorjemessage #SonofGod #gratitude #trust #trustGod #saveourchildren #savealife #savelives #eternity #eternallife #eternallove

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