Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gospa in Medjugorje for so long to help us to salvation

 Why is Gospa here with us in Medjugorje for so long?
 to lead us towards salvation, 

to help us return to God and to prayer ,
 to Jesus Christ, her Son. 

 Jesus: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~Gospel, John 14:6

  Isus: 'Ja sam put, istina i život. Nitko ne može doći Ocu osim po meni. ~Evanđelje po Ivanu 14:6

(EN) Gospa, Our Lady's Medjugorje message, Oct 25, 2020.

(ENGLISH) ''Dear children, At this time, I am calling you to return to God and to prayer. Invoke the help of all the saints, for them to be an example and a help to you. 

Satan is strong and is fighting to draw all the more hearts to himself. He wants war and hatred. That is why I am with you for this long, to lead you to the way of salvation, to Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Little children, return to the love for God and He will be your strength and refuge. Thank you for having responded to my call.''

(HRVATSKI) „Draga djeco! U ovom vremenu zovem vas da se vratite Bogu i molitvi. Zazivajte sve svete u pomoć da bi vam oni bili primjer i pomoć. 
Sotona je jak i bori se da što više srca sebi privuče. Želi rat i mržnju. Zato sam s vama ovoliko dugo da vas vodim putu spasenja, Onome koji je put, istina i život. 
Vratite se, dječice, ljubavi prema Bogu i On će biti vaša snaga i utočište. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

good advice from Jesus Christ New Testament and his Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary for all humanity, all humankind, all of society. 

#Medjugorjemessage #theway #thewaythetruthandthelife #JesusChrist #salvation #quotestoliveby #love #peaceandlove #peace #hatred #dotherightthings #saints #goodvibes #changeyourlife #prayer #rolemodel #woman #womanofGod #challenge #lifelessons #strenth #God #strongertogether #NewTestament #humanity

Saturday, October 17, 2020

How to open heaven's door thru Gospa's Son

  There's still time! 

"...knowledge of the love of my Son can save you.

Then we can open "the door to heaven".

  Medjugorje... what a view! ...always in our hearts....where heaven touches the earth. 
A happy place in our hearts 💖💖 where  some of us  have been blessed to go, to "come home" to God with the guidance of Our Lady, Gospa... we've gone back home to our countries, including the United States of America; we feel & hope to share that love, peace, joy, thankfulness, trust... with everyone, wherever we are. Save each other for eternal life.
May God bless you!  Mir! Peace!  

                             Vista from Apparition Hill.

(ENGLISH)"Dear children, I am continuously among you because, with my endless love I desire to show you the door of Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is opened: through goodness, mercy, love and peace, through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time on vanities. Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you."

~Gospa, Blessed Virgin Mary Medjugorje message through visionary in 2012.
(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) “Draga djeco; Neprestano sam među vama jer vam svojom beskrajnom ljubavlju želim pokazati vrata raja. Želim vam reći kako se otvaraju: po dobroti, milosrđu, ljubavi i miru – po mome Sinu. 
#satchat #motivation #ApparitionHill #heaven #blessed 

original photo a few years ago, by unidentified photographer, probably a Medjugorje parishioner. #Gospa #wordsofwisdom #Medjugorje #heavenly #openthedoor #Godbless #GodblessAmerica #USA #Bosnia #Hercegovina #sharingiscaring #thanksgiving #mirpeace #worldpeace #peace #joy #happiness #happyplace #Medjugorjemessage #SonofGod #gratitude #trust #trustGod #saveourchildren #savealife #savelives #eternity #eternallife #eternallove

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The St Nicholas Project for Medjugorje

 "The St Nicholas Project for Medjugorje"

Remembering all that each original family in Medjugorje has done to help travelers to their homes & their parish from all corners of the earth since 1981 when Gospa, the Blessed Mother started appearing there ... 3 ways YOU CAN HELP this year, if you can. And, thank you for your prayers!

As we enter the season of gifts and soon the holy, special time of Jesus Christ's birth, here are 3 ways you can help families in Medjugorje this year. From a letter sent by Darlene Milas to Mir-Peace pilgrimage group pilgrims:

** 1ST option: "... some of your fellow MirPeace pilgrims (Joe and Brenda) have set up an online donation page “The St Nicholas Project for Medjugorje”: Helps the grade school in Medjugorje provide their annual gifts from St Nicholas to the children of the parish. Croatians in the region hold to the ancient tradition of children’s gifts coming from St Nicholas on his feast day, Dec 6..."
"Most families in Medjugorje are experiencing financial hardship due the lack of pilgrims caused by travel #restrictions this year due to covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. The families there have received us into their hearts and homes with the love of family, and now we wish to do the same for them, to help them through this winter."
This GoFundMe link, allows online donations towards St. Nicholas gifts for the school children in Medjugorje. "The St Nicholas Project for Medjugorje " team fundraiser Joseph Fratanduono...
Thank you for helping, if you are able, and most importantly for your continued prayers.
Please know that the people of Medjugorje are climbing the hills and attending the evening Mass in prayer for the pilgrims worldwide, in every country around the world who wish they could be there. This is the prayer and love that join us as family- the dear children of Our Blessed Mother.

** 2ND option: If you’d like to send a donation to a specific #family in Medjugorje, you can mail a check to:
PO Box 105
Clarks Summit, PA 18411.
Funds will be wired directly.

** 3RD option: general #donations for this Croatian Catholic church parish in Bosnia Hercegovina, are possible through PayPal on the #Medjugorje parish website:
Again, thank you for helping, if you are able, and heart-felt gratitude most importantly for your continued prayers.
May God bless and protect you!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Harvest time good fruits in Medjugorje

 Good fruits of all kinds 

in #Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina! 

(EN) "Dear children! Also nature extends signs of its love to you through the fruits which it gives you. Also, you, by my coming, have received an abundance of gifts and fruits. Little children, how much you have answered to my call, only God knows. I am calling you - it is not late - decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. God will bless you and give to you a hundred-fold, if you trust in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."

~Gospa, Our Lady Queen of Peace Medjugorje message in Medjugorje,  September 25, 2018 

photograph: We just had a harvest moon. It's that time of years! :-) Late September, early October,1989, when Mir-Peace pilgrimage group and Sarcevic family were invited to a local family's grape harvest. Jerkovic, Ostojic... 
The family members, relatives all work together in the vineyards and at home. #familygoals #togetherness.  
Also, a view between grape vines in the fields by Adriana V, 2012. That region, as well as along the Croatian coast with a mediterranean climate, have perfect weather conditions for the growing seasons for grapes, olives, etc. 

(HR) Draga djeco! I priroda vam pruža znakove svoje ljubavi preko plodova koje vam daje. I, vi, ste mojim dolaskom primili obilje darova i plodova. Dječice, koliko ste odgovorili mom pozivu, Bog zna. Ja vas pozivam: Nije kasno, odlučite se za svetost i život s Bogom u milosti i miru! Bog će vas blagosloviti i dati vam stostruko, ako se u Njega ufate. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. 

#weather #climate #mediterranean #goodfruits #harvestmoon #harvest #october #medjugorjemessage #nature #fruit #farming #vineyard #wine #love #gifts #Godbless #family #relatives #workinprogress #pilgrimage #workhardplayhard #Croatiancoast #Croatia #quotestoloveby #motivation #satchat #field #fieldwork #Godknows#familytime