Sunday, August 2, 2020

Historical! Letter from His Holiness Pope Francis to Medjugorje: Mladifest Youth Festival 2020

Pope Francis tells youth festival Mladifest at Medjugorje: 

be inspired 

by the Virgin Mary

Letter from His Holiness Pope Francis, the Vatican, was read to attendees at Mladifest opening ceremony, International Annual Youth Festival 2020!

Good news! Real news! Faith in action. 🙂
Together we will rise and help create a better future, together with Gospa, Our Lady Queen of Peace, with her Son Jesus Christ, and our Father, Lord God Almighty.... wherever we are in this world.
This video at the exterior altar of St. James Croatian Catholic church has voiceover in French.
Full text of the letter is in English.
Article by Catholic News Agency, "Pope Francis tells youth at Medjugorje: be inspired by the Virgin Mary", in English:

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