Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fatima 102nd anniversary in Medjugorje - Miracle of the Sun

Fatima 102nd anniversary in Medjugorje - Miracle of the Sun     Oct 13, 1917 to Oct 13, 2019

~~ SAINT JOHN PAUL II, March 25th 1984, “Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima, it’s the completion of Fatima.

*****Mir-Peace spiritual pilgrimage group is here! again! ***** 
This time on the 102nd anniversary of one of the most significant supernatural events 
of the 20th century.

~~ Gospa, Aug 25, 1991, "...I call all of you, dear children, to pray, fast (and self-sacrifice) more firmly ... so that, with your help, all I desire to realize through the secrets I began in FATIMA may be fulfilled. ... I want to save all souls and present them to God."

Mir-Peace pilgrimage group and our pilgrims are offering all for God's will with our prayers with Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary...  Our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group travels to Medjugorje in answer to Our Lady. Oh, what we can feel, learn from this humble Mother of God every time, where we experience peace in prayer and community with faithful parishioners and people from all over the world!! Our hearts fill with joy as She guides us to open them to her Son, Jesus Christ, in love, trust and mercy for one and all, including every one of you, wherever you are :-)  
Additional photos from rthis pilgrimage at our facebook photo album, 
"2019 Mir-Peace pilgrimages."        link:  Mir-Peace pilgrimage photos 2019

We depart from the United States, cross the ocean in airplane together, sometimes have other people meet up with us in European airport, over-land transport between the mountains to our destination. Together we climb Apparition Hill, pray the rosary, follow the Way of the Cross on Krizevac, Cross Mountain, visit with visionary, partake of delicious home-made food by our host families, attend Holy Mass,... Ahhh, the beautiful scenery, fresh air, some free time, make new friends, rest, experience local culture & customs, stroll through open fields, have a cappucino at cafe, enjoy,.. We carry the petitions of all who cannot be there with us and pray for them, pray the rosary, adoration...
 "Hvaljen Isus i Marija!" -- "Praised be Jesus and Mary!"

#travel #pilgrimage #Medjugorje #Medugorje #Pope #Saint #SaintJohnPaulII #JohnPaul #Fatima #102years #Fatima10#miracle #miracleofthesun #quote #inspirational  #Europe #peace #love #anniversary #thankGod  #Christian #believe #havefaith #Bosnia #Hercegovina

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