Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Medjugorje anniversary 6-2019

Mir-Peace pilgrims are #blessed and happy to help others by helping families in #Medjugorje hand out water to the hot, thirsty pilgrims who walked miles today in the annual Peace March, praying for peace. 

Hvala! Hvala Bogu! 
I see my sister, and all of you! So many good fruits, good energy ... Wishing this and other selfless events made international news more often. This is real news, good news. I remember how SUPER it was last time I was able to travel there and join in.  
Think positive, good thoughts everyone, today, this Monday, and live it! no matter what you are up against. Have a great day!
Mir-Peace pilgrims are #blessed and happy to help others by helping families in #Medjugorje hand out water to the hot, thirsty pilgrims who walked miles today in the annual Peace March, praying for peace. World peace. Peace in our hearts, every soul.
(and thank you to the youngster who helped hold up our sign.  ) Our Pilgrimage group, as every year, is at our Elez host family's home. The peace walk pilgrims are arriving at Saint James Croatian Catholic Church nearby, some barefoot. What a sacrifice! That is true love, like the love that Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary show us how to live in the New Testament of the Bible.
God's peace be with you all!

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