Monday, March 11, 2019

Papal Medjugorje Visitor on Prayer of the rosary mysteries... and Silence

What does the Roman Catholic Church's, Vatican Papal Apostolic Visitor say about prayer of the rosary in Medjugorje? And what of silence. -- Monsignor Hoser was 1 of speakers at a spiritual renewal event in Medjugorje on March 9, 2019. See excerpts below  
Our Lady, Gospa, 2006: "In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you. Permit Him to convert and change you." ... "pray the rosary." 

(HRVATSKI) mons. Henryk Hoser održao predavanje na temu, "Rast u duhovnosti" ... "veliko bogatstvo Međugorja to da se svaki dan mole sva otajstva" krunica... 
Article link in Croatian language:

February stats in Medjugorje: # of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 781 (27 per day) ! Good fruits!
(ENGLISH) Msgr Henryk Hoser, appointed by Pope Francis to be the Apostolic Visitor in Medjugorje, gave a talk with the theme, "Grow in spirituality." Among other things he referred to the concern that there are less priests in Western European countries: "...A Church without priests is a Church without the Eucharist. Church without the Eucharist is a Church without food," as he was stressing the importance of the sacraments. He mentioned through the sacraments young people are being called to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. 
In mentioning the #rosary he said, "great wealth of#Medjugorje is that all the mysteries are prayed every day. That is a true catechesis (religious instruction), because the mysteries of the rosary are the mysteries of the lives of Christ and Mary."

Our Lady, Gospa, 2006: "In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you. Permit Him to convert and change you."
At the end of his lecture, Mons. Hoser said he's noticed that people today walk around with (earpieces/headsets) & then don't pay attention to the sounds around them.: "People today are panic ((strongly)) afraid of silence. But God speaks (to us) in silence. I wish for and recommend that silence for you."

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