Saturday, May 19, 2018


Let's remember Our Father's covenant with us, even when we don't see a rainbow.  when all we might see is the rain falling... 
Trust in Him who sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, who answered God's will & was crucified & died on the cross for us. He did it in love to redeem our sins & humanity. Salvation for every soul & for every living creature on earth.
Thank you! Thank God. 

Let's be a light and follow the example of the Light of the world.

"Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled! Only Peace. 

Make your peace with God and among yourselves. 

For that, it is necessary to believe, to pray, to fast, and to go to confession." 
~(Upon returning to the village after the apparition, Friday, June 26, 1981, visionary Marija saw the Blessed Virgin, in tears, near a cross with rainbow colors)

God said to Noah after the flood, 
"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, 
I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” 

The cross is seen as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice. 
It evokes Jesus’ death & resurrection. 
The sign of the cross is a mark of discipleship. We can carry our crosses daily, even when we slip & fall on a slippery path in the love and the belief and promise that God gave us and in His reminder, a rainbow. By doing the sign of the cross, you're saying to the Lord, "I want to obey you; I belong to you. You direct all my decisions. I will always be obedient to God's law, Christ's teachings When suffering, the sign of the cross is a sign of acceptance: remembering that Jesus became a man and suffered for us and that we participate in Christ's suffering. It brings Him closer to you to help you when you stumble.

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