Sunday, February 25, 2018

(ENGLISH) Our Lady's Medjugorje message through visionary Marija for the parish and the whole world, 2-25-2018(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) Gospina poruka preko Marije Pavlović-Lunetti, za župu i za cijeli svijet, 25.2.2018. 

(EN) “Dear children! In this time of grace I am calling all of you to open yourselves and to live the commandments which God has given you, that they may lead you through the Sacraments on the way ofconversion. The world and worldly temptations are testing you, but you, little children, look at God’s creatures which He has given to you in beauty and humility and, little children, love God above everything and He will lead you on the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

(HR) "Draga djeco! U ovom milosnom vremenu sve vas pozivam da se otvorite i živite zapovijedi koje vam je Bog dao, da vas one vode po sakramentima na putu obraćenja. Svijet i svijetske napasti vas kušaju, a vi, dječice, gledajte Božja stvorenja koje vam je On dao u ljepoti i poniznosti i ljubite Boga, dječice, iznad svega i On će vas voditi na putu spasenje. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu."

early photo: Marija is on the right. photo closeup: medjugorje council of ireland

Friday, February 16, 2018

Medjugorje travel tour pilgrimage 2018

TGIF! Thanking God for everything! 
Join us on a journey of renewed faith, true joy, and lasting peace in Medjugorje. 
 -- 2018 pilgrimage travel dates schedule. --Through the grace of God Almighty, 
for over 30 years Helen & Joseph Sarcevic and family have been dedicated to answering Our Lady's call and sharing the journey with you. For info email:

We have close personal ties with the visionaries, original village community and the priests, & keep everyone with us in our hearts while we are there:
- participating in Holy Mass at Saint James Croatian Catholic Church,
- praying the rosary and afterward at adoration and blessing,
- while climbing Apparition Hill & Krizevac (Cross
Mountain) in prayer of Stations of the cross (Way of the Cross) -
- eating delicious home-made food prepared by our host families in the parish,
- visiting with the visionaries as possible, joining in prayer and witness,
- spiritual guidance, translation, transportation origination at airport in Philadelphia United States (USA), & in country,
- a night at hotel on the beautiful southern Croatian Dalmatian coast on the Adriatic Sea.
Gospa wants to encourage us to learn to get closer to our Lord with the help of her Son, Jesus Christ... with prayer together we can feel the love and peace, serenity, good energy of heaven on earth...
As the Vatican Papal Special Envoy sent to Medjugorje by Pope Francis said, "There is a light in Medjugorje."
Let's "BE a LIGHT"
(Mir-Peace motto).
HVALJEN ISUS I MARIJA! (Croatian. English translation: Praised be Jesus and Mary!)

#Medjugorjepilgrimage #travel #vacation#feelthelove #youareloved #pilgrimage #MirPeace#ApparitionHill #CrossMountain #CAtholicChurch#Pope #PopeFrancis #BEALIGHT #praytherosary#rolemodel #JesusChrist #apparition #TGIF#fridayfeeling #fridaymotivation #satchat#saturdaymotivation #thankGod

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Medjugorje message by Gospa thru Mirjana 2-2-2018

When you do good to others with love, Our Lady's Son, Jesus Christ, smiles in your soul. 😊
(EN) February 2, 2018 monthly message on the day for nonbelievers through Mirjana:

audio link in Croatian - slusajte Gospinu poruku na hrvatski:

(EN) “Dear children, you whom my Son loves, you whom I love with an immeasurable motherly love, do not permit for selfishness, for self love, to rule the world. Do not permit for love and goodness to be hidden. You who are loved, who have come to know the love of my Son, remember that to be loved means to love. My children, have faith. When you have faith you are happy and are spreading peace; your soul trembles with joy. My Son is in such a soul. 

          When you are giving yourself for the faith, when you are giving yourself for love, when you are doing good to your neighbor, my Son smiles in your soul. 
           Apostles of my love, I am turning to you as a mother. I am gathering you around myself and I desire to lead you on the way of love and faith, on the way which leads to the light of the world. I am here for the sake of love, for the sake of faith, because with my motherly blessing I desire to give you hope and strength on your way – because the way which leads to my Son is not easy. It is full of renunciation, giving, sacrifice, forgiveness and much, much love. But this way leads to peace and happiness. 
          My children, do not believe lying voices which speak to you about false things, false glitter. You, my children, return to the Scripture. I am looking at you with immeasurable love, and through God’s grace am making myself evident to you. My children, set out with me. May your soul tremble with joy.
Thank you.”