This month, June 24th-25th, the Croatian Catholic parish of Medjugorje (and many people of faith around the world) celebrate the 40th (fortieth) anniversary that the Blessed Virgin Mary helps us get closer to God through her guidance in apparitions! There is also an annual impressive Peace March.

A milestone for this "heaven on earth" that Pope Francis and many faithful around the world recognize as the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace.

Sharing her message & a video from the 30th anniversary of Our Lady Gospa, Queen of Peace apparitions from June 25, 2011. We are there in Spirit through sincere prayer with the heart.
1st photograph: Mir-Peace spiritual pilgrimage group joining in prayer from the heart during holy mass and evening prayer program at St. James Croatian Catholic Church, June, 2011.
photos: peace march in the past.
(EN) Gospa's Medjugorje message, June 25, 2011
(HR) Gospina Medjugorska poruka, 25. lipanj 2011.

“Draga djeco! Zahvaljujte sa mnom Svevišnjem na mojoj prisutnosti s vama. Radosno je moje srce gledajući ljubav i radost u življenju mojih poruka. Mnogi ste se odazvali, ali čekam i tražim sva zaspala srca da se probude od sna nevjere. Približite se još više dječice mom Bezgrješnom srcu da vas sve mogu voditi prema vječnosti. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu. ”
This year due to a worldwide pandemic our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group and many others will not travel there as we had in past years, but God's peace and love are in our hearts. We join pilgrims from around the world in prayer, answering the Blessed Virgin Mary's call to pray, fast, confess our sins, and convert our hearts and minds and lives for God's will. God bless us all!
@MirPeaceUSA info email:
History trivia: About 100,000 pilgrims celebrated the 30th anniversary of the first appearance of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Bosnia Hercegovina in 2011. As of 2011, more than 30 million people have visited the shrine.