Saturday, November 28, 2020

Medjugorje Advent prep: hope faith joy & peace


(en) Advent - time for spiritual preparation for Christmas.  

First Sunday of Advent is Nov 29, 2020. 
 (hr) Došašće ili advent – vrijeme duhovne pripreme za Božić. 

 (EN) Gospel MK 13:33-37 -- (HR) Evanđelje po Marku 13:33-37
~~~ Our Lady, Gospa's Medjugorje message, 
Advent, 1983, thru visionary: 
"Begin by calling on the Holy Spirit each day. 
The most important thing is to pray to the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit descends on earth, then everything becomes clear, and everything is transformed." 
 Let's open our hearts to prepare the way of the Lord. This time of lights and new life in hope, faith, joy & peace, let us each Be a Light, share His Light. 
~ Medjugorje Mir-Peace pilgrimage group members, pilgrims, & Sarcevic family.  

(EN) Gospel MK 13:33-37 -- (HR) Evanđelje po Marku 13:33-37 
(ENGLISH) Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his own work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch. Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” 
(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) Bdijte, dakle, i stražite jer ne znate kada će se to zbiti! Dolazak Sina Čovječjega može se usporediti s odlaskom čovjeka koji je otputovao u drugu zemlju. Prije polaska kuću je povjerio na brigu slugama. Svakome je zadao posao, a vrataru zapovjedio da budno čeka njegov povratak.  Zato budno bdijte jer ne znate kada će se gospodar vratiti - uvečer, u ponoć, u ranu zoru kad pjevaju pijetli ili ujutro - da ne dođe iznenada i nađe vas kako spavate. Što kažem vama, kažem svima: Budno iščekujte njegov dolazak!

  Medjugorje Mir-Peace  email:  
The Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing to the visionaries since she 1st came to them in 1981 on Apparition Hill, to help bring all people, all souls, to prepare them to get closer to God Almighty through her Son, Jesus Christ, Light of the World. 

 Our Mir-Peace spiritual pilgrimage groups have been traveling to #Medjugorje since the mid 1080s, sharing the authentic peace, faith, culture, visionary and family & priest testimonies in that place known world-wide as "heaven on earth".  #blessed. God bless you! Wherever you are! 

#Medjugorjemessage #Gospel #NewTestament #advent #advent2020 #Christmas #Christmas2020 #fourcandles #candles #Lightoftheworld #FaithHopeLove #peaceandlove #peaceonearth #FirstSunday #bealight #mirpeace #pilgrimage #spirituality #spiritualjourney #heavenly #heavenonearth #tistheseason #JesusChrist #Gospa #visionary #HolySpirit #holyGospel #Bibleverse #quoteoftheday

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Forgive just like Jesus & don't judge for hope & truth

 Forgive just like Jesus & don't judge for hope & truth

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Gospel(EN) - Luke 23:34 - Evanđelje(HR) 'Oprosti im, Oče, jer ne znaju što čine!' reče Isus.

  "My motherly heart yearns for this - for unity of all of my children - through my Son."  

 "If you desire to follow my Son, you will not judge 

but love like your Heavenly Father loves you. " 

" I am knocking on your hearts. They cannot open because they are not humble." ((more quotes below))

Did Jesus Christ compete on one side only? Was He worried was afraid? Or did He want to help you & me & all our brothers and sisters to have salvation & join Him with God Almighty in heaven? This Thanksgiving and Christmas season let's give the gifts of love, forgiveness and trust in God our Father. And peace in our Heart with joy in that truth & trust. Through the decades Gospa asks us to open our hearts to God & truly love each other(all souls),not judge but to #forgive & pray for God's Will. He knows how to fix anything humanity is She (Gospa Queen of Peace, the Blessed Virgin Mary) is always praying for each of us, and encouraging us to do the same.

"Little children, you live in a time in which God gives great graces, but you do not know how to make good use of them. You are concerned about everything else, but least for the soul and spiritual life."

"Dear children, with motherly concern I look in your hearts and see in them pain and suffering. I see a wounded past and an incessant search... Open yourselves to the Father... you will be happy. Your search will end. You will love, and you will not be afraid. Your life will be hope and truth, which is my Son. thank you...
Do not judge, because you will all be judged."

"I, as a mother, desire to save you from restlessness, despair, and eternal exile... My Son, by His death on the Cross, showed how much He loves you; He sacrificed Himself for your sake and the sake of your sins. Do not keep rejecting His sacrifice and do not keep renewing His sufferings with your #sins. "

"Anew, I am calling you to love and not to judge. My Son, according to the will of the Heavenly #Father, was among you to show you the way of #salvation, to save you and not to judge you.

If you desire to follow my Son, you will not judge but love like your Heavenly Father loves you. " We thank God for being patient with us & sending the Blessed Mother to Medjugorje to help us get closer to Him and #eternal happiness, eternal life for all eternity.

#inspirationalquotes #behumbleandkind #sundayvibes #Christmas #thanksgiving #trust #truth #dontworry #trusttheprocess #Medjugorje #GodBless #donotjudge #unity #behumble #prayers #JesusChrist #crucifixion #GodAlmighty #loveeachother #loveyourneighbor #judgement #forgiveness #truelove  #happiness #dotherightthings #dothehardwork #quoteoftheday #satchat #dontgiveup #dontjudge #satrudaymood #NewTestament

Friday, November 6, 2020

 "...God will find the way of joy for you." 


Be strong in faith, trust our Father. No matter what we do or is done to us, God's (& Jesus' & the Blessed Virgin Mary's) love will help us carry our crosses all the way to eternal happiness & everlasting life. 

Hvaljen Isus i Marija! Praise Jesus and Mary!

 💖Thank God! 💖

Even while under atheist communist control in the 1930s, Medjugorje families built the now world-famous cross on top of Krizevac (CrossMountain). That's Christian faith in action. 

(EN) Our Lady Gospa's Medjugorje message, March 25, 2006 

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. ožujka 2006  

(ENGLISH) "Courage, little children! I decided to lead you on the way of holiness. Renounce sin and set out on the way of salvation, the way which my Son has chosen. Through each of your tribulations and sufferings God will find the way of joy for you. Therefore, little children, pray. We are close to you with our love. Thank you for having responded to my call." 

(HRVATSKI) "Hrabro djecice! Odlucila sam voditi vas putem svetosti. Odrecite se grijeha i podite putem spasenja, putem koji je izabrao moj Sin. Preko svake vaše muke i trpljenja Bog ce naci za vas put radosti. Zato vi, djecice, molite. Mi smo vam blizu svojom ljubavlju. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu." 

#bestrong #fridayfeeling #satchat #Godisgood #Godloves #quotes #quoteoftheday #everlasting #everlastinglife #eternallife #eternallove #eternity #behappy #happiness #love #thankful #thanksgiving #courage #strong #strongertogether #salvation #pray #prayer #faithinaction #carryon #Medjugorje #medjugorjemessage #wisdom #smart #christian #catholic

Sunday, November 1, 2020

God will fill your heart with His love.Open your heart

Convert yourself. 

Open your heart to our Father.

 It's easier to pray with an open heart, & receive His love when you decide to put God in 1st place in your life. :-) 

(EN)Gospa's Medjugorje message, May 25, 1999. 

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. svibanj 1999.

"Dear children! Also today I call you to convert and to more firmly believe in God. Children, you seek peace and pray in different ways, but you have not yet given your hearts to God for Him to fill them with His love. So, I am with you to teach you and to bring you closer to the love of God. If you love God above all else, it will be easy for you to pray and to open your hearts to Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) Poruka, 25. svibanj 1999.
Draga djeco! I danas vas pozivam, da se obratite i čvršće vjerujete u Boga. Tražite, dječice, mir i molite na različite načine, a niste još dali svoje srce Bogu, da ga on ispuni svojom ljubavlju. Eto, zato sam s vama, da vas poučim i približim Božjoj ljubavi. Ako Boga ljubite iznad svega, bit će vam lako moliti i otvoriti mu srce. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu. 

What an effect Gospa's motherly words, filled with love, forgiveness and patience, have on each of us! Great role model! She put God's Will in first place, trusting that He, our Father knows best, without personal judgement or prejudice. GOD knows what's in your heart. We can follow her good example, be mindful of how we interact with every person we meet... if we put God 1st in our thoughts, we can share His love like that, also.
Thank you, Gospa Our Lady Queen of Peace (Blessed Virgin Mary), for teaching us how to love & get closer to God in our hearts so we can feel His love. And to be able to share His love & help others with our lives. So let's open our hearts and put God in first place. If we open our hearts we can love each other also... only with that true love can we find the time to do God's Will, help His Plan for the salvation of all mankind, of all creation, without #judgement or #prejudice. We're in this together. One family under God.
May we convert ourselves & truly be open to Him. God bless you!

#GodKnowsMyHeart #Godknows #GodBlessAmerica #GodBless #sundaythoughts #sundayblessings #medjugorje #putGod1st ##PutGodFirstInEverythingYouDo #quote #quotestoliveby #encouragement #Godfirst #changeyourlife #changeisgood #changetheworld  #GodBlessUsEveryone #VirginMary #Gospa #loveeachother #family #onefamily #familygoals