Sunday, February 9, 2020

Gospa in Medjugorje & Holy Spirit help us 2 salvation

Gospa in Medjugorje & Holy Spirit help us 2 salvation

Our Lady Gospa's #Medjugorje message, July 25, 1995

💐 "...only in prayer can you understand my coming here. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you to understand that you must convert. Little children, I wish to make of you a most beautiful bouquet prepared for eternity but you do not accept the way of conversion, the way of salvation that I am offering you through these apparitions... May good overcome evil. I love you and bless you...."

Holy Spirit can help us convert our hearts to God. 
We'll symbolically become a beautiful bouquet of flowers, through prayer with the heart. 
May God's Will be done! 
In the "war" within us between good vs evil, we can say, "Love wins!", and make it happen... with the help of Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje & her son, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Gospa's powerful Medjugorje message thru visionary Mirjana 2-2-2020

 Our Lady Gospa's Medjugorje message 
thru visionary Mirjana, 2-2-2020.
A powerful message to choose 
truth, love and salvation, in faith, 
for all people,        every soul! 

 photograph: Blue Cross on Apparition Hill where Mirjana goes every 2nd of the month and the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to her, giving a message for the world. Thank you, Sheila Malone! This photo is when Sheila joined Mir-Peace pilgrimage group in 2017. 
                           Mirjana's special focus from Our Lady                               is unbelievers – those who do not know the love of God.

Gospa: "Dear children,
By the act of the decision and love of God, I am chosen to be the Mother of God and your mother. But also by my will and my immeasurable love for the Heavenly Father and my complete trust in Him; My body was the chalice of the God-man.
      I was in the service of truth, love and salvation, as I am now among you to call you, my children, apostles of my love, to be carriers of truth; to call you to spread His words, the words of salvation, by your will and love for my Son: that with your actions you may show His love to all those who have not come to know my Son.

      You will find strength in the Eucharist; my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. My children,  fold your hands (in prayer) and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly. My children, apostles of my love, bring your hands together (in prayer), look at the Cross. Salvation is only in the Cross.
     Thank you."

#Medjugorjemessage #apparitionhill #bluecross