Saturday, January 25, 2020

Gospa's Monthly Medjugorje Message Jan 25,2020

Gospa's Monthly Medjugorje Message Jan 25,2020

Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary 

sent to us by God, for everyone in the entire world, out of LOVE

 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to pray even more, until you feel the holiness of forgiveness in your heart. There must be holiness in the families, little children, because there is no future for the world without love and holiness – because in holiness and joy, you give yourselves to God the Creator who loves you with immeasurable love. This is why He sends me to you. 
Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Monday, January 20, 2020

2020 Mir-PEACE Medjugorje spiritual pilgrimages dates

2020 Mir-PEACE group Medjugorje spiritual pilgrimages dates are available!

"There is a light in Medjugorje." Pope authorized pilgrimages to MEDJUGORJE    
Let's BE a LIGHT together: Join Mir-PEACE spiritual pilgrimage groups this year as we travel on a journey of renewed faith, true joy, & lasting peace in our hearts.
For information, email:

*** as of 1-20-2020, there are a few seats still available for JUNE trip!!

Thru God's grace, for over 30 years Sarcevic family is answering Our Lady's call to share the spirituality of Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina with you. 

We keep everyone with us in our hearts & prayers while there:
- participating in Holy Mass at Saint James Croatian Catholic Church,
- praying the rosary and afterward at adoration and blessing,
- climbing Apparition Hill & Krizevac (Cross Mountain) in prayer of Stations of the cross (Way of the Cross)
- eating delicious home-made food prepared by our host families in the parish, Elez, Vasilj, Ostojic, Vlaicevic, Simic, Jerkovic...
- visiting with the visionaries as possible,
- spiritual conferences,
- a night at hotel at beautiful scenic southern Croatian mediterranean-climate Dalmatian coast of Adriatic Sea.
- an interesting side trip, day trip is possible.
Spiritual guidance, translation.Transportation origination at airport in United States (USA), & in country.
--- Gospa wants to encourage us to learn to get closer to our Lord with the help of her Son, JESUS CHRIST... with prayer together, feel the love and peace, serenity, good energy of heaven on earth... together in Spirit. Let's share the Light of the World!!
The Vatican Papal Special Envoy sent to Medjugorje by Pope Francis said, "There is a light in Medjugorje." 
Let's "BE a LIGHT!"  (Mir-Peace motto).
*note: trip info, dates are tentative and may change.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

1st 2020 MEDJUGORJE MESSAGE - all children of GOD Our FATHER.

love one another, be united through my Son, 

be children of God who all together, with full, open and pure heart, pronounce the ‘Our Father’. 
Our Lady's message through visionary Mirjana Soldo, January 2, 2020:

 “Dear children, I know that I am present in your lives and in your hearts. I feel your love, I hear your prayers and direct them to my Son. But, my children, according to motherly love, I desire to be in the lives of ALL of my children. I desire to gather all of my children around me, beneath my motherly mantle. This is why I am inviting you and calling you, apostles of my love, to help me. 
My children, 
my Son pronounced the words of the ‘Our Father’, and Our Father, who is everywhere and in our hearts, because He desires to teach you to pray with words and with feelings. He desires for you to always be better, to live merciful love which is prayer and limitless sacrifice for others. 
My children, give to my Son love for your neighbors(those near you), give words of consolation, compassion and acts of justice to your neighbors. Everything that you give to others, apostles of my love, my Son accepts as a gift. I am also with you, because my Son desires for my love, as a ray of light, to bring souls to life; for me to help you in the search for peace and eternal happiness. Therefore, my children, love one another, be united through my Son, be children of God who all together, with full, open and pure heart, pronounce the ‘Our Father’. And do not be afraid! 
Thank you.”

photo via Medjugorje 25.06.1981. 🙏Let's keep the message and prayer and thoughts of the Our Father in our hearts as Jesus Christ taught us in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Let's BE A LIGHT! (our Mir-Peace #pilgrimages motto  )
#Medjugorjemessage #medjugorje #OurFather #onefamily #underGod #Godschildren #loveyourneighbor #newyesrsresolution #newyears2020 #thursdaythoughts #tbt #tgif #thankGod #apparition #visionary #dotherightthing #donobeafraid #bestrong #fearless #JesusChrist #rolemodel #goodreminder #greatadvice #gotyourback #compassion #goodenergy #positivevibes #apparitionhill #bluecross #apostles #bealight #NewTEstament #Gospels #love #Godloves #BVM