Thursday, April 25, 2019

APRIL Medjugorje MESSAGE be joy & love

be the joy of the risen Jesus! 


budite radost uskrsloga Isusa!

Our Lady's Message, April 25, 2019 (EN) 

 (HR) Gospina Poruka, 25. travanj 2019

Monthly #Medjugorje message to the world, by the Blessed Virgin Mary through visionary Marija. 

(ENGLISH) “Dear children! This is a time of grace, a time of mercy for each of you. Little children, do not permit that the wind of hatred and peacelessness rule in you and around you. You, little children, are called to be love and prayer. The devil wants peacelessness and disorder, but you, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life. Therefore, little children, witness and be proud that you have resurrected in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.” 
(HRVATSKI) „Draga djeco! 
Ovo je milosno vrijeme, vrijeme milosrđa za svakog od vas. Dječice, ne dopustite da vjetar mržnje i nemira vlada u vama i oko vas. Vi ste, dječice, pozvani da budete ljubav i molitva. Đavao želi nemir i nered, a vi, dječice, budite radost uskrsloga Isusa koji je umro i uskrsnuo za svakoga od vas. On je pobijedio smrt da bi vam dao život, život vječni. Zato, dječice, svjedočite i budite ponosni da ste u Njemu uskrsnuli. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

Sunday, April 21, 2019


Christ is risen! 
Jesus is resurrected!! Isus je uskrsnuo!
Alleluia! Happy Easter! Sretan Uskrs!
A time to celebrate! Wishing you all a very happy and blessed Easter.  We're not all together with those who are closest to our hearts , so we'll celebrate wherever we are, together in the Spirit of love.

Zelim vama svima sretnu i blagoslovljenu Uskrs! Pogotovo moji naj blizi, pa i svima vama! Nisam stigla poslati nista nikome. Cesto mislim na vas i mi smo svi zajedno s duhom Bozji ljubav.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

palm sunday

On Palm Sunday, (Cvjetnica in Croatian),
many Croatian Catholics traditionally participate in the solemn triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week, by washing their faces with flower petal water. Usually violets or other fragrant flowers and herbs.

This also symbolizes Spring and new life. At Holy Mass, parishioners receive either blessed palm fronds or olive branches.

(EN) Nuncio Pezzuto and Archbishop Hoser to celebrate Holy Mass on Palm Sunday in Medjugorje
Medjugorje parish website:,10318.html

(HR) Nuncij Pezzuto i nabiskup Hoser slavit će mise na Cvjetnicu u Međugorju,10316.html