Sunday, July 22, 2018

A few memories through the years with our Dad, Joseph Sarcevic, in Medjugorje, with visionaries Ivanka, Vicka, & Ivan, also Father Petar Ljubicic.

Wonderful memories with a kind soul, a super & supportive dad, excellent talented artist: his painting of Saint James Croatian Catholic church, Medjugorje, tied in with city of Dubrovnik on the Croatian coast which also has a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and strong Christian faith in Jesus Christ and God Our Father.

Prayers for those who are not with us in this world though we trust we are all together in Spirit, for the souls in purgatory, and for everyone to be able to feel the love of our Lord and our Mother, Our Lady Queen of Peace. Appreciating our family, mother and father, and our extended family of humanity. Thanking God for all His graces!

Saturday, July 21, 2018



Let's pray for every soul, here on earth and elsewhere in heaven or purgatory, living and passed away, to see the Light of all eternity, to feel true love in gratitude and trust from God Almighty: a love which He always has available for each one of His children that accepts, sharing with us joy everlasting. Every human being is His child, without exception. Jesus Christ, Son of God, died for us on the cross then rose again: the Light of the World. 
-- The Blessed Virgin Mary explained signs of salvation: The cross is a sign of mercy, as is the heart. The sun is the source of light, which enlightens us." Let's follow their examples."Be a light!" (Our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group motto) Have mercy, share love, pray, forgive... Help the light shine on in God's plan of salvation.  

Sunday, November 22, 1981 

We asked the Blessed Virgin what the cross, the heart and the sun, seen during the apparition, meant. 
"These are the signs of salvation: The cross is a sign of mercy, just like the heart. 
The sun is the source of light, which enlightens us."

A shining silhouette takes the place of the cross again on Krizevac. The visionaries ask Our Lady if it was She. Gospa answered: 
"Why do you ask me, my angels? Have you not seen me? 
The world must find salvation while there is time. 
Let (the world) pray with fervor. May it have the spirit of faith."

photograph: a cloud in the shape of a heart. It was in the sky above Saint James Croatian Catholic Church parish, Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina, Europe, on a bright sunny day. Our group was attending holy Mass after climbing Apparition Hill, during one of our trips when we traveled there. Oh, what a wonderful feeling! Prayer together: so invigorating, full of good energy.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Priests' spiritual renewal at Holy Mass, Medjugorje

Jesus Christ, Son of God, gives each one of us, God's children, His graces in the Holy Mass.
Our Lady said, in Medjugorje message, April 3, 1986 (ENGLISH)
Gospina Medjugorska Poruka, 3. travanj 1986. (HRVATSKI)
message below the photo.

photograph: The 23rd annual spiritual renewal for priests, a few days ago. Baka Jelka (Helen Sarcevic, Mir-Peace pilgrimage founder) attending Holy Mass with 2 of her daughters. They join hundreds of priests, thousands of Medjugorje citizens parishioners and pilgrims from all over the world at Saint James Croatian Catholic Church. Thanks for the photo, Adriana!

(ENGLISH) "Dear children! 
I wish to call you to a living of the Holy Mass. There are many of you who have sensed the beauty of the Holy Mass, but there are also those who come unwillingly. I have chosen you, dear children, but Jesus gives you His graces in the Mass. Therefore, consciously live the Holy Mass and let your coming to it be a joyful one. Come to it with love and make the Mass your own.
Thank you for having responded to my call." 

(HR) “Draga djeco! 
Želim vas pozvati na proživljavanje svete mise. Ima vas mnogo što ste osjetili ljepotu svete mise, a ima i onih koji nerado dolaze. Ja sam vas izabrala, draga djeco, a Isus vam daje svoje milosti u misi. Zato proživljavajte svjesno svetu misu i neka vam bude radostan dolazak. S ljubavlju dolazite i prihvaćajte svetu misu.
Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu! ”