Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mir-Peace June 2018 Medjugorje Pilgrimage

This June will be a Holy time of celebration of the 37th anniversary, and visionary Ivanka's annual Apparition of Our Lady.

There are still spots available on our MirPeace June 2018 Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.
We will have a wonderful priest as our group's spiritual guide.

If you feel called to join us on this blessed journey, please email: 

As always Mir-Peace pilgrims also climb Apparition Hill together while praying the rosary, Cross Mountain (Krizevac) & Blessed Virgin Mary's Way of the Cross, join in the spirituality of holy mass at Saint James Croatian Catholic Church... receive wonderful words of wisdom & guidance from the Franciscan priests, taste delicious homemade meals by our host families,... and of course walk through the serene peaceful fields, with the splendor of nature in the blue sky overhead, and expansive views of the valley when we reach the summit.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Thank God it's Friday. Thanking God for everything! 

*pilgrimage info: email

Mary said in Medjugorje message, Oct 2001: I am with you, and I THANK GOD for each of you who has accepted and lives prayer with seriousness. (ENGLISH) 
(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) Ja sam s vama i Bogu zahvaljujem za svakoga od vas koji je s ozbiljnošću prihvatio i živi molitvu. 

She also repeats her words of wisdom to us through the visionaries, excellent advice, including these phrases in that same message:

(EN) I call you to pray from your whole heart and to love each other. (HR) Pozivam vas da molite iz svega srca i ljubite jedni druge.

(EN) Little children, you are chosen to witness peace and joy. If there is no peace, pray, and you will receive it. Through you and your prayer, little children, peace will begin to flow through the world. 
(HR) Dječice, vi ste izabrani da svjedočite mir i radost. Ako mira nema molite i dobit ćete ga. Preko vas i vaše molitve, dječice, mir će poteći svijetom.

(EN)... pray, pray, pray, because prayer works miracles in human hearts and in the world. 
(HR) dječice, molite, molite, molite jer molitva čini čudesa u ljudskim srcima i u svijetu.

~Gospa (Our Lady, our Mother & Mother of God, Blessed Virgin Mary), helping us to feel a bit of heaven on earth, one family, God's children, all for one & one for all. No one is forgotten. We are not alone. We're in it together. Let's light up the world. BE A LIGHT, joining the Light of the World, our brother, Jesus Christ... helping others to feel the joy of that true love as well.
Hvaljen Isus i Marija! Praised be Jesus & Mary!
Pray for us.
Hvala Bogu! Thank God!

#Medjugorje #heavenonearth #thankGod #tgif#satchat #saturdaymotivation #fridaymotivation#wordslofwisdom #quote #inspirationalquotes#spirituality #truefaith #love #openyourheart#wholeheart #prayer #lovewins #dontworrybehappy#prayforpeace #worldpeace #peaceandlove #BVM#JesusChrist #BEALIGHT #miracles#miracleworkers #helpothers #loveyourneighbor#happy #happiness #family #brothersandsisters #Catholics #Christians #interfaith

Tuesday, April 3, 2018



Easter Sunday, April 22, 1984, 
Gospa, Queen of Peace, Mother of Jesus Christ 
and of each of us, 
said in Medjugorje: 
"We all rejoice in Heaven. Rejoice with us."

Sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs! - Have a happy and blessed Easter!

photo: Saint James Croatian Catholic Church, Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina, Europe, surrounded by glorious rays of light in the sky & clouds, taken by Darlene Milas during 1 of Mir-Peace pilgrimage group trips.
God Almighty showing us His love in the heavens... and in this heaven on earth & in our hearts.